New Reach Maps Playable at GamesCon

Looks like the guys over at 343 industries are getting a little sneaky on us. Instead of confirming what they will be adding and subtracting in the upcoming Title Update to Halo: Reach they’ve been using a playable version of it at GamesCon. The following video seems like it is showcasing two of the new (and awesome) maps that will be coming to Reach Multiplayer when Halo: CE Anniversary this November 15, but if you look closely you’ll be a healthy bit of information (also equally awesome).

In this video, you will first notice that there is in fact no bloom being used when players are using the DMR. Also, something BrentGamer’s been asking for since day one of Reach, is health ‘bleedthrough’ while meleeing. AKA when you melee your opponent it wont just take out their shields all of the time.  There are also other nice pieces of new information to be found but do not take my word for it, get to watching!

While we are on the subject of new gameplay videos IGN has a video walk through of the Damnation remake we’ll all see when Halo: CE Anniversary releases. Both of these videos and more information can be found on the new Halo Waypoint bulletin.

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