Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Customs and Callins, Episode 85
for the week of October 16th, 2006

(hosts Foo Mo Jive, JVB, Rist Peblo, Keith)

Customs and Callins show (explain)


Custom Games

Hey guys, Its publicenemy. I’m a new member to the community, so this is my
first e-mail, suggestion, watever you want to call it. Anyway, the custom
game I thought I should send in is called Iraqi Tea Party. Ok, so, this is
like your ‘war’ type of game, best played with 10 or more people. Starting
weapons are B.R. and a rocket launcher. The weapons on map are human, and
its best played on turf (or with a full party, on Coag.) Oh Yeah and, you
know you play halo 2 too much when the oven timer goes off and you run for

This is my new custom, CAAANNNDDYY MOUNTTAIINN!!
Oddball, 1 Ball
Ball Indicator off
Plasma Pistols, No grenades, weapons on map.
Teams needed:
1 on pink (the first unicorn, let’s call it Claire)
1 on blue (the second unicorn, let’s call it Fillmore)
1 on brown (the nonbeliever, Charlie)
2 on green (the leoplurodon and organ harvesters)
5 on red (the singers)
Played on Coagulation
Here’s is how it’s played. The pink and blue teams (Claire and Fillmore),
lead Charlie (brown team) to the magical Candy Mountain (The farthest base
from the three). They need to be as annoying as possible. While this is
going on, a green team member takes the ball into Candy Mountain. The
other stations himself into the path of the three. He is the magical
leoplurodon. Once they meet up, he will tell them something that will
reveal the true location of candy mountain, but Charlie MUST NOT
understand it. Once they have reached Candy Mountain, Charlie alone will
enter. He will then take the oddball, and then get assassinated. Charlie’s
kidney will then be taken.

This custom game is called Halo Court. You have no shields. You start with
pistol and needlers, no weapons on map. One life. This can be played on
any map. The rules are no one can kill anyone else, and if they do they
are taken to halo court. All real court rules apply; there is a
prosecutor, jury and so on. If convicted, all the players shoot their
needlers at the condemned player. Other Customs I enjoy playing are Halo Philosophy Club, and Halo
Accountancy Firm.

Hey guys, I have a fun custom for you:

Name-Special Olympics/Biathlon
Map- Lockout
Settings- Everything regular, just starting plasma pistol, secondary
sniper rifle

Objective: Two people (the [b]SPECIAL[/b]Olympians) start on the elbow.
Make sure you both have four frag grenades. Then, when one of you says go,
you race (any way you want) to BR3 where the two ramps meet. Then you run
as fast as you can back to the elbow, and there the first person to snipe
a grenade wins. I like to throw in a couple of extra laps or a requirement
to go to S3 before back to the elbow, but its up to you. It kinda reminds
me of the Biathlon in the Winter Olympics and can get pretty close and
competitive. Its the Special Olympics however because anyone joining your
game is going to think you are retarded. lol.

Shout out to: WackySplash the most 1337 micro’er ever!

okay guys this is one of my very favorites in all of the world. the game is
called “Blind Man’s Luck” and it’s best played at LAN parties. set the game
to juggernaut where the jug has everything and then give everyone only one
life. when the game starts, whoever is the juggernaut stands behind the
television and runs around trying to kill people. last person standing

OK guys I have this interesting custom game, its called “3 Days o’ war”

There are no shields, Starting Primary weapon is a BR and secondary is
random, there is no time limit and no kill limit and is team based. Its
best to play with 2 teams of 8 players each. Everything else is pretty
much your choice.
How you play is exactly what the name says, you try your hardest to play
for three days straight and which ever team has the most kills and/or
still has at least one person still on the other team in the end wins.
Also make sure you keep the party open so it keeps going.
This game is best played on headlong, this is because you can move the
boxes around in the building to cover up its entrances.

I personally have only played this two times both I lasted no longer than
a day and a half when I was then booted because I fell asleep. When played
it is by far the funnest game type (especialy after a team establishes a
base and the other team sends in squads to take it over) it really forces
you to play as a team and think strategically while at the time you build
friendships with your teammates.

Thanks for reading this, Keep on fragin’ “Ducks”

I have a few new custom games. These are special custom games that you can
do when ever you get bored. The first one is ROCK CRAWLER! It is played on
Terminal and what you do is you get in a warthog and you drive over the big
boulder near the wraith spawn. It is fun and I havent tried it with anyone
else. Another custom game in my vault is The Gun Range. I like this
custom because it is great for sniping practice. How you play this is that
you get grenades and you throw them up in the air, then you try to shoot
them with the sniper rifle. I did this for about 30 minutes and then went
into Team Snipers and I was getting head shots left and right. This custom
is a must have and will help you pwn teh noobs.

This is a game from Team Carnage. Heres the description KP uses on
Bungie.net called Chamb0 CTF
“Score to Win Round: 2
Round Time Limit: First to 3
Starting Weapons: Battle Rifle, Magnum
Shields: None “

Its pretty much SWAT CTF with 6 rounds! Usually played on Elongation.
Funnest game ive every played!
It really fun!

PS: PK <3 Rist

My gametype is called paintball. No shields, or grenades, SMGs as starting
weapons and no weapons on map. First to four wins. There are no vehicles.
No turrets. This can be a normal or team slayer, as well as capture the
flag and assault, or Neutral flag. The game is usaully better with 3 or
more on each team.

Hey, I just got this idea while listening to an old ep. at work. Very
simple. SWAT rules, but everyone is invisible. Grenades on, no weapons
on map. Probably best played on small maps. I’m thinking lockout,
warlock, or midship, but you choose. Kills could be to 25 or 50,
depending on how much time ya got.

I have a custom game I’d like to share with the world (obviously…).

I call it “Bumper Hogs”

Here’s the rules and setup:
Random starting/second weapon
Random weapon set
4 Hogs
Half time respawn for hogs
Suicide point loss
If there are more than 4 people it’s a team game.
Played on Coagulation or Blood Gulch (depending on which Halo game you
12 people max. (3 per team/Hog)
Weapons can only be used to protect your self from Hogs, NOT AGAINST EACH
You MUST take any open Hog
When you have a Hog, it becomes you weapon
You can either 1. Ram other Hogs, or 2. Splatter Hogless players

The best hits are at topspeed head on. Very fun.
This game is fun on Halo CE because, though nothing is really acomplished
by rammin the Hogs, you go flying in evey direction. It’s fun on Halo 2
because, eventually you blow up.

Lift of death:
You play on the map Colossus (finally a reason to not hate Colossus). The
weapon set can be any single weapon, like shotguns, snipers or swords.
Although I think it works best with swords. Here are the special rules. No
one is allowed to kill anyone unless both players are in the lift, in the
middle of Colossus. You are also allowed to push barrels into the lift if
you wish, to deal out mass ownage, and get splatter medals.
Shout outs to Ba-Bam the cricket, I love that little guy.

Hey Guys, my gamertag is CaptainStagneti, and my custom is Helm’s Deep,
named after that cough obscure little battle in The Lord of the Rings. It’s played best with 12 to sixteen people on Containment, two teams. The
settings are as follows-BR start, sword secondary. Normal weapons on map. Single Bomb Assault, two rounds. Normal shields and radar. Round
Timer-five minutes, or longer, if you desire. Score to win
round-unlimited. This way, it is a five minute race to score as much as
possible, and makes it harder to tie. Because there are no ties in war. Bomb carrier has overshield, damage resistance, no movement penalty, and
can drive vehicles. All vehicles are on, except banshee. heavy vehicle
is set to wraith, light vehicles are both set to random. Here’s where the
Helm’s Deep aspect comes in. Defenders are not allowed to leave their
walls until the last 45 seconds of the round. They can run out and grab
the wraith and sniper at the very start but that’s it. You’re on the
walls defending your base. The bomb carrier’s speed, toughness, and
ability to drive makes for some crazy moments. It’s a lot of fun, and at
the 45 second mark, you get to yell “charge” or something fun. Keep it up

hey guys. this is penguin smacker and i have an awesome team slayer called
HaloWeen. u can have as many players as you like, and this should be
played on Live only. you have one guy as micheal myers, and he plays the
halloween theme through his headset (google it to find it). the weapons
are swords and pistols, but the other team (who can only use the pistol)
cant fire until only one person on the human team is left. you should have
only 1 to 2 lives. when micheal myers comes along, you should hear the
theme coming through his headset. he can only use the sword. when one guy
is left, he can fire at micheal. this is good on any big maps. see ya.
note: i dont smack penguins!!!!

the game type is called child predator, it is a juggernaut game type, the
juggernaut is invisible, has fast movement, infinte ammo, motion sensor,
and has no shields, the regular player has no shields no motion sensor,
visible, and has no shields. on the map there are no grenades on map, and
you don’t start with grenades, it is the first 25 kills, there are no
vechiles, it is best played on a smaller map, (ie: turf), you’re starting
weapon is the SMG, with no secondary, the weapons on map and map default. (if put in show add this to the end) THIS SPARTAN LIFE RULES!!!

Ok this is a totally fun juggernaught varient. its called the matrix. the
juggernaught is “the one” and he has all of Neo’s abillities like damage
resistance, infinite ammo, over shield, and movement at fast. its so funn.
It should be like a 3 on 1 juggernaught but other versions work too just
not as well.

Voicemails with CapnKrunk

(intro) (outro)

Tales from the Foxhole

i was playing a no shields game with grenades and me and my whole team
decided to go as a group. i was at the front of the group and i threw a
grenade. but it hit the ceiling, bounced off it and landed behind me.
BOOM! i killed all 3 of my other team mates who were following me! oops! Lagel out loud!/large obeice ladies/ lol!
keep up the good work and thats all from me.

Ok, one day I was pwning the usual noobs(as a side note, what is up with
join a game and there are always the same noobs there?) and I killed a
dude who was killing everybody, I was corpde humping him and everyone was
cheering at me but then my buddy ran by and shouted I should move, but it
was too late. I heard the fateful roar of a ‘hog right behind me and,
BABAM! I’m dead. it was actually the same guy who I killed. So remember
kiddies, don’t corpse hump…

I was playing team slayer on Burial Mounds, and had two great moments while
in the Ghost.
First moment, I was in the Ghost, shooting at a member of the opposing
team, when all of a sudden this Bugrit comes and boards me from behind I
boost the ghost forward, get knocked out of it, and the guy now in
possession of the ghost smashes his teammate right in the face, while I
stick him from behind.
Second moment, I was cruising in the ghost when I saw a sniper and two BR
wielders guarding him. I had the sword so I was thinking “boy, I’m
gonna shank dem suckas”. So I jumped out and my still slightly moving
ghost hits both of the BR guys, they die and I slapped the sniper from

this one is pretty old. its actually from a 16 player party from halo 1. we
were playing CTF Classic on sidewinder; the huge snow level. we were stuck
in a 0 to 0 stalemate with a 25min time limit (i think lol).
anyway my team Kept trying to storm the base but would fail everytime. so
basicaly our last attempt actually gave the team both hogs (there were 2
on the map). so i decided to just go for it while the rest of my team
decided to try to prepare for there assult. so i got to there base and all 8 members were still inside. so i was like
“CRAP i cant go in there by myself!” so then i basically ran infront of
the base hoping they didnt see me. i noticed that the enemies kept
noticing me on their radar, so i stopped moving hoping that i would
dissapear off there radar (which i did).
so 6 guys hopped in 2 hogs and tried to storm my base, but they still
didnt notice me. so i i said to myself “ok now i can go for it”. there
only 2 guys left now.
so i ran inside and hurled every granade i had and shooting like a mad
man. ironically they were hiding at the back of the base near a wall, so
they couldnt escape my onslaught. so basically i took the flag and ran up
stairs and went through the teleporter and hopped down the mountain
screaming for back up.
by that time the other team lost 1 hog and the other one went back to the
base looking for me, but i was long gone. but still i had no help! they
still hadent showed up yet.
so their hogg finally came after me, and im jumping and trying to dodge
the best way i can. and then finally my team shows up. but too late cause
they killed me. luckly one of my teammates picked it back up to win the
that was the most intense game i had played at the time. good job on the show guys. i hope i can get my ethernet port fixed so i
can actually play again.

this is holeintwo saying i was on turf and it was a game of team snipers by the gareges second ramp that leads to the lieing scarib i threw 2 grenades so did my partner he got shot and the game had alittle lag with the smoke that forms from the grenades and i disided to shoot up there then i saw double kill triple kill and kiltacular and i got the hole tem in 4 shots with noscope threw smoke. sincerly Holeintwo.

Hey this is Baw123 once again and i just got done playing an amazing custom game at ivory tower.Me being the great sniper i am just grabbed the sniper and stayed where the sniper spawns.so i was just standing there and all of the other team ran into the middle and were just standing still.So i of coarse (dont know how to spell)sniped all of them getting me a killtacular then 2 of them respawned next to where they died i shot them and i was happy with 7 kills then i turned around and 1 of them is behind me i shot him and got a kilamanjaro i was soooooooo happy see ya

I was playing Team Swat on Beaver Creek. We were getting owned because the
other team was camping at the end of the the teleporter. So I went through
while jumping through. I shot the guy right in front of the porter. Then i
shot the guy above while jumping to the side and shot the guy right next
to him. Got a triple kill, but we still lost.

Tip: In Team Swat on Beaver Creek when you go through the porter jump
through it. they will usually miss you and give you a chance to shoot

This one time I was playing hog wars I rammed this one guy and his hog
flipped and he was thrown out and the hog some how got cought on my turret
and I ended up driving around cougulation with a hog on top of mine for a
while until someone rammed me and it blew up then blew up my hog and
killed me.

well hello every one! today i have a tale from the fox hole. well one day i
was just owning rist peblo and the rest of his team when i happend to find
the sniper rifle. so like any pro player i picked it up and started to pwn
some more. well long story short the other team made a come back and i
ended up getting tebagged by my overlord. END

I played with the most moronic, and infuriating, cheater the other day. The game started out normal, with my team getting our butts handed to us,
but after a few minutes of dedicated teamwork and communication, we bagan
to catch up. When the score finally evened out, at about 18 kills for
each team, the game started lagging like crazy, as it tends to do with
standby. Amidst the confusion and yelling, we finally decided that it was
TD BRonX who was the one cheating, as he had something like 30 kills when
no one else could do anything. He denied it of course, and said he wasn’t
cheating. With 18 seconds to go, the lag stopped (like that helped), and
the game was soon over.

In the pregame lobby came the most idiotic thing I have ever heard on
Halo. The cheater, who ended the game with 34 kills, continued to deny
his transgressions, and said this: (quite seriously) “Wait till my friend
gets back. I swear I wasn’t cheating!” (friend comes back) “Hey Sythe,
tell them who it was!” TD Sythe: “It was me!” Thus, it was not the guy
with 34 kills who was cheating, but his friend. Apparently, if your
friend is standbying while you get kills, it isn’t cheating. Hmm, maybe
I’ll try that sometime. NOT! Idiots.

So monday, I was playing halo. Then I get an invite from Spage from Truth
Regret. So I join when I look it is all truth regret. So we go into team
carnage and have a blast. Check them out podtacular they are a great
bunch of guys.

this one time on goagu i saw this green this, i didnt know what it did so i
started shooting is, then i through a frag and it went throud it. so the i
walked in it and i ended up at the tree`s. i was so amazed that i got the
rockets and blew miself up.

belated shoutout to locness, new overlord of rec d

I was playing a game on Foundation, I was walking in circles. I was
walking by a room and this guy came out at me with rockets, he shot me
point blank…I didn’t die for some reason. I literally saw the rocket
hit me and explode…nothing happened to my shield and the guy was pissed
cause I killed him. In the Post Game Lobby he told me he reported me for
cheating. I don’t know why I’m telling you this but oh well.

I recently went to a LAN party at my school. It was a fund-raiser, and
there were a lot of really good players. About half way through the first
round somebody yelled, “Who is Jewish Buddhist?” An eleventh grader said
that he was. Then the first player yelled, “You’re modding!” We checked
and he was. He was using infinite ammo mods, he was able to run fast and
jump high and some other ones! Now the question was what to do with him.
Imagine meeting an x-box live modder in real life…What would you do? We
kicked him out and he suffered a few punches. Some of the older players
wanted to hurt him really badly…

So I was in a Team Slayer game with FURI0N, Renegad3 N, and TWEST 87 on
Ascension. the game was near its end, and I was jumping into the rocket
pit. Renegad3 was in a Banshee, and as I was in mid-jump, he got a few
shots on me, depleting most of my shield. As I landed, I grabbed a
conveniently placed rocket launcher (Man, those were some FAST weapon
respawn times…). I’m running to the grav lift, and I start looking
towards Renegad3, so lock on to him. As I get into the lift, Renegad3
takes out the last of my shields. I’m turning to the Banshee, and I start
to hold down the R Trigger. My finger slips off the trigger (darn sweaty
hands), and a rocket fires. Luckiest. Rocket. Kill. EVAR. (with an AR for
extra emphasis) It hits Renegad3, and his Banshee explodes.

Ok, I believe I was in a team training game, and as usual my whole so
called “team” quit out. Yet in some way, the other team managed to keep
all of its players. I was in a good mood so I didn’t care what was going
on. There were 2 guys coming up on me and behind me I here the phone go
off. I yell, “PHONE!!” The guys literally stopped in front of me, heard me
talk for awhile, then once he heard me get off the phone, continued to
shoot me.
Food for thought!
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea…Does
that mean the fifth one enjoys it?

During a LAN party at my home. It was me vs. two of my friends on a team.
These two freinds are the best Halo 2 Players i know and are both winners
in local tournaments. We were playing team slayer on coagulation and they
were in a warthog with a cannon. All I had was a rocket launcher and a
magnum. The rocket launcher had no amo left so i was forced to use the
pistol. I shot twice and hit the warthog head-on. I was just about to be
splattered by the hog when i shot my last shot and to my surprise, as well
as eveyone esle’s the warthog exploded! It was so frikin awesome because
those were the only two kills i got the entire game because they
completely owned me! lol. Thanks for reading, h3r3tic117

I was recently playing a team slayer game and one of the guys on my team
kept asking us if it was ok to take a pee mid game as he was desperate.

We were leading by about 10 kills with about 8 minutes to go. The team
agreed that it was ok for our team mate to leave and take a pee.
About three minutes later the guy game back and with his concentratin now
fixed on the game he started to pwn and ended up with the most kills. He
informed us that he actually had addtionally dropped off a couple of kids
at the pool.

Therefore I think Bungie should develop a new medal. If you don’t move for
three minuntes and still get most kills a medal in the shape of a toilet
should be awarded.

Hey guys. I was playing BTB Skirmish. it was two flag capture the flag on
coag. (wow, the muse is in me today!) I have never seena banshee drop work
better. I hopped in the banshee, flew over, dropped on the flag, while
three people took the hog to the enemy base. I grabbed the flag, hopped
in the passenger seat, and sped away. But here’s the best part. The
original hog passenger hopped into the banshee I had abandoned and flew it

I experienced two of the wierdest suicides ever. I was playing on Beaver
Creek and I had the launcher, when this one guy starts shooting at me from
below. I had already knocked down the rocks and when I fired a rocket at
him it hit one of the boulders. It flew up in the air and guess what
happened. It landed on top of me for the worst suicide ever. The other one
was proably a glitch but this really happened. On Accension there was this
guy flying around in a Banshee. I fired a rocket at him and the next thing
I know is that he smashed into one of the towers. The rocket hit him and it
then said you commited suicide. I started cursing this guy and he finally
left the game. How’s that for a suicide story? Keep it up Podtacular.

Yo whats up guys. I just got a cool story from the fox hole. Me and my
friends were playing a 2v2 match just for fun and I threw a sticky at my
friend Dan and he ran straingt at my friend Mike and he’s like “HOLD ME
“get away nooooooooooooooooooo” and they both died and I got a double kill

keep on fragin’ trucks lol(little osilating ladies)

Wrap up

Tune in next week for Podtacular Night at the Apollo where we give you a quick update on what’s been going on with the Halo community and then jump into Halo comedy people send in.

  1. Omnimoose for running the prayer request thread on Podtacular.