Podtacular 339: Bulletin Update

January 22nd, 2013

Hosts: Dust Storm, Brent Gamer & GLewis



You've mentioned the change to one or two of the power weapon sounds, I was wondering if you had any insight as to why they'd change the iconic sounds in the first place (I wasn't a Halo fan until Reach but even I could pinpoint the distinct Halo sound for the shotgun or sniper rifle)?

Cloud Massacre

Dear Podtacular,
You are all doing a great job and keep up the good work. I would like to discuss some minor problems with Halo 4. Firstly, the weekly challenges for Spartan Ops are way too small. Most of them can be accomplished in one game. I think there daily and monthly challenges added for Spartan Ops. Secondly, in Halo Reach I forged a lot, and when I heard about Halo 4 I was really excited to create new things. But when I got hands on with it I was a little disappointed. You can't zoom, or click the left stick down for small movements, and you are always far away from the item that you are moving. Is it possible to fix these problems in a title update, or do we all just have to wait till the next Halo game?
Thanks for reading. C.M.

Doody Bound

Very few things in life are hard. Well, I have to do one of those hard things today. I'm leaving Podtacular for good. It was great fun when I first started, but now it's stale and old. There's a few reasons why I no longer will tell people about Podtacular.
1) DaftLink. Honestly, he's the weakest link, and puts a sour taste in my mouth. I once defended him being on the show, but he has long lost all my respect. As a host he should realize that he shouldn't join a party and then complain or rant about whatever it is he feels like. It's rude, and frankly very annoying. I stopped playing with him because he wouldn't stop ranting and being negative.
2) What community? I don't see any. The forums are dead, and don't seem to have any spark left in them. What was once a great way to connect is now a way to see how lifeless the show has become.
3) MNM seem to have vanished from existence. This was evident in Reach as well. The two people who were leading it gave up on it and started not showing forcing you to become the leader by default. Monday would come, but no group ever formed. No one to play with, no one to build a friendship with.
4) No community. Where do I find new people? Obviously not the forums. Nothing going on you FB page. Nothing. There isn't anyone. Even with the forums there's no one to talk to. There is no community. There's only listeners to the show.

So that comes to my final words. I'm leaving Podtacular because I've found something special. I found a place that I can be myself and can have fun. I found a community that won't take crap from anyone including hosts. I found PGCR. Even though we are still small, I've found more friends here then I ever have in my entire Xbox Live experience. It feels close knit and very responsive. I'm sorry that I have to leave, but it's because Podtacular is dieing, and I don't see the future holding anything for your community. I believe the podcast needs to be revamped unless you want it to become a podcast that people just happen to listen to when they are bored.
I hope you have success, I really do. But for now, I'm moving on to a community that actually exists.

- Doody Bound