Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Episode 183: Customs and Creations
for the week of March 15th, 2009

(Hosts: Dust Storm, GLewis & Captain Planet)


Hey podtacular!

This is Kaidon (KYE-DON) here. One of the maps i created on forge is called D-Day. Its set on High ground and built along the beach. Anyway, i built three pill boxes by placing two barriers at angles kinda like this / \ but i left enough space between them so a machine gun turret could fit. Btw these were the short barriers. and then i placed one of the tall barriers over the top to create a pill box. and the cool thing is that i placed the tall barrier farther back on the short barriers so that technically you would have to crouch to use the machine gun but since the game wont let you do that then it basically zooms in and takes the turret view from a third person view to a first person view. and i built three of these with single crates in between them as boundaries. so basically if you respawn out in the water area while somebody is in one of those pill boxes you are gunna get pwnd. except for the fact that started with large crates out in the water and then the crates got smaller as they neared the beach so that the people who spawned in the water actually have a chance. it is a really cool map and i would have it up on my file share but i dont have XBOX Live yet.

Keep fraggin screenpeeking noobs that camp and use the plama rifle/sniper rifle weapon combo.

xV Demonic Vx

Hey Podtacular it is a noob in the community lol. So my map that i am
going to post today is a Ghost Town map call Last Defense. Pretty much it
is a map with some merging and stuff like that. It is supposed to be
Reach’s last stand. It also has a game type that you should use
called…... o crap i forgot the name o well it just makes u want to look
at my file share. That file share is listed at xV Demonic Vx. Keep on
fraging noobs driving trucks while looking at a map that has a coffee stain
in the middle that says your destination is here (Skull and cross bones)

Fungus Oz

Hi podtac! This is fungus oz writing in with a cool custom map and
The game is called “You are” and the map is called “Chuck Norris”.

It’s an infection gametype with 1 human to start with, and the rest,
zombies. The map is a modified version of Sandrap.
The zombies have access to every single vehicle on the face of the
sandtrap, except tanks.
Chuck Norris has a pistol. He still manages to own for a while because he
has instant kill and 500% damage resistance.
The games I have played have seemed to be a little unbalanced, and if
anyone has any suggestions on how I can make it better, PM me and if they
work well I will credit you in the description. It will be in my FS when it
is completely tweaked.

By the way, Dust Storm, HLG stands for Hidden League Gaming, and is a clan
that REALLY annoys the crap out of everyone by getting 1 more kill than you
and hiding for the rest of the match :(

Keep on fragging monkeys that poop in their own hands and throw it at you,
then spew fart juice out of their mouths and melt your face.


hey podtacular maman2007 here and wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot its
my first post. ok i thought id tell you about the first 2 maps i made.1 i
went in the sky bubble and i put down a load of walls on the ground then
pust banshees on them basically every 1 gets in banshees and has a sky
battle. 2 went into the sky box again and made a load of sniper towers
basicaly u snipe your aponents these maps are not on my fileshare at the
moment because i have got red ring boooooooooooooo. ok this my first try at
this so here it goes. keep on fragin trucks noobs who shout veto and call
the battle rifle the speical ar banshe and gosht driver who hog all the
kills in freefor all and the dude who thought he would but red ring in the
xbox as a joke then didnt take it out. maman2007 signing out.

OMG iTz nub

Hey its OMG Itz nub here,
Im a First time submitter, so here goes:
well, i haven’t gotten the new maps yet :(, but i made a pretty cool map
on avalanche. It is for slayer, and 1bomb. Well, its basically a dog
fight. I made two frigates on each side of the map. Each with and equal
amount of flying vehicles that spawn fast. You spawn on the frigate, and
are suppose to jump into one of the aircraft and attack the opposing teams

Keep on fraggin + Keep on truckin = Keep on fraggin trucks(and folidng


Hello There every one in Podtacular land its RicE sNak RozZ and i am here
to tell you about my new custom on the mythic map sandbox. It’s called
Death Tunnel and i basically got the idea when i found there was a lower
level and to get down you have to fall. so what i did is that i placed tube
pieces going from where the underground tunnel starts to where the boundry
is at the top of the map and you basically fall continually and there are
vechicals and teleporters that lead back up to the top and another that
leads to a shotgun maze in the sky bubble.
its no finished yet but the original version is in my file share.

Shout outs to crypto, g lewis, guest and who could not forget the greatest
(cough cough) sniper in the WORLD Dust storm. (you know what i mean)


Hey this is FaTJeRKy and this is my first submission, I have some very
helpful tips on how to annoy the hell out of your friends in forge (this
woks especially well if your friend is trying to get the skulls). First
chance you get spawn a KillBall and charge after him, this is hilariously
funny and it will get you TeH k33lzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol). Keep on
fraggin those fragging fragians who frag the frag out of other frags.

PS: I hope this didn’t end up in your spam email box :P


hey guys, it is and always will be stallmeplease. I got the mythic map pack
with halo wars and I have a custom. Now you probally think that is is on
sandbox. And your right. In the crypt i used the pipes to make a maze. I is
two stories large and has the nova fx on so it is hard to see. And ZOMBieS
are after you! It is fast paced and fun when it is done I will post it on
the fourms.
Keep on fraggin dustorms watch. When I gave it back, I dropped it on the
ground in front of your apartment and I scrached the face a tiny bit. MY


Hey Podtacular its EliteSpartan182 submitting again. I made an awesome map
on standoff its called All Out it has 4 platforms on the gorge of the map.
The gametypes called LOL, it has 2 weapons a rocket, a sniper, and a hidden
“law enforcer” ((aka sentinal beam) that is better to use than any
other weapon. I am going to change it a little because sometimes you can
spawn off of the platforms. It is really fun map because everybody has the
highest overshield possible so don’t except an easy kill. They can both be
found on my file share by the time this airs. Everybody I have played it
with has given me positive feedback on all the aspects. Good luck with the
show and keep on fragging a purple-back gorilla that loves to play with the
finest yellow bubbles posible. Peace out and DustStorm remember to not say
any bad words on XBL because Nay-Nay can see all.

Mr Smite62

Hey there podtac peeps! It’s Mr Smite62 again (my new gamertag is
bonesjr57, check my bio soon for an interesting keep on fraggn’...). I have
recently just got back to the Halo World two weeks ago, since I’ve been
playing my new Christmas games (COD5 YAY!) for months. Anyways, to halo:
Guess what? My map isn’t on sandbox…or assembly… or orbital either…
Yep, Its still on Foundry :( ! Tragically I didn’t get the Halo Wars
Limited Edition so I didn’t get the map pack, the game, OR the badge!! All
my friends did, and I’m really mad. Hopefully I’ll get it this weekend. Anyways, after my increasingly rising addiction, I made a map on Foundry
that’s a copy of A CoD5 map: The first Nazi Zombies map! I’m not sure how
gameplay is (humans or zombies have the upper hand) between the gametype,
but I suppose it’s pretty even, judging by how I forged it. Basically, in
the middle of foundry there is a big house where the humans spawn. inside,
you start with a pistol (hey, JUST LIKE COD! XD ) and there is one flame
grenade to your left that never respawns. To your right, there is a mauler
that has a very long or no respawn time. Then you can go downstairs to
find a pile of shotguns (or shotgun ammo) that respawns every 180 seconds,
and an smg with regular respawn, but only one. The zombies spawn outside,
with energy swords and 90% speed (just a tad slower than usual, kinda like
round 1 on nazi zombies when they just kinda limp towards you), and a low
jump. To increase your speed, jump, and other good stuff (like shields and
such), custom power ups and overshield/active camo start spawning in front
of the zombie spawns for you to run through. The customs have a long
duration of a minute or so, and since you’ll probably die quickly unless
you get everyone to group up and charge downstairs, you’ll have it for the
duration of your life. the trick to survival is obviously still camping
with a shotgun, but with limited ammo, and the possibility of having human
teammates screaming, “I’m gonna take the shotgun and ammo!” “No, I AM!!!” So make sure you’re playing with people you know well or trust teamwork
wise, and separate the guns and such for survival: have one guy with
shotgun and ammo, one with the mauler beside him to finish the kill if he
doesn’t get a headshot, one guy with an SMG, and the rest with pistols
sitting back. It’ll be up on my file share ASAP, the map is called
NACHTDERUNTOTEN (night of the undead in German), and the gametype is called
cod5 zombies or something like that.

Her we go… Keep on fraggin’ Nay Nay who owned 14 folding bikes
then twisted them the wrong way so they broke and he threw them at Crypto’s
spatula, who got mad at Crypto’s cheese grater who grated the bikes in
order for the spatula to calm down, then chuck norris came out of nowhere
wearing Dusty’s referee shirt with the Halo Wars badge velcro’d on to it
and blew them straight to neverland. Then randomly (obviously) Dr.
Octogonapus pops into thin air and screams, “DR. OCTOGONAPUS
BLAHHHHHH!!!!!!” and everything gets lasered and explodes. The end.
Thanks Podtacular see you next time, Smite signing off.

wow im an idiot

Hey podtacular it’s wow i an idiot with my first submission. I’m here to
inform you about the first ever racetrack on sandbox. this racetrack is on
the sky box so if you fall off you will die. Anyway there are 8 mongeese at
the start of the racetrack. u hop on one of these and take off. Next you
will go up a big ramp with man cannons so you can get to the other side.
When you land you will most likely run into the shield doors that are there
so you won’t fall off. then you will have to take two turns a little one
and then a wider one. after those turns you will have to take a little jump
and then a bigger jump that also has man cannons so you can get across. The
bigger jump is where most people fall off of the racetrack. after that it’s
pretty much a straight away with one very tight turn at the end that leads
you back to the mongeese. I didn’t make this map it was featured on halo 3
forges from machinima at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uLq0nMdmxg. the
forgers were egodude and Killer2000. the file share link is http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=egodude the map
is called preview. Shout outs to MCR90214, Salvador18, Hipudding, bjblakey,
and TbH Epic Cookie. Keep on fragging trucks who have their own pair of
anus armor and wear it every day to work.


Hey guys, writing in for the Customs and Creations show. Die or Ride is an
infection map on Sandtrap. The humans spawn under the crashed human
transport with many mongooses. The zombies spawn across the map on top of
one of the towers. The humans are armed with BR’s and Shotguns, while the
Alpha Zombies are armed with Energy Swords and Plasma Pistols. The humans
have standard shields, speed, and gravity, and the zombies have high speed,
nos shields, and low gravity. The humans mount the mongooses and drive
around the map to the human base.(The base is next to the stone structure,
farthest from the mongoose spawn.) The base is surrounded by barricades,
and holds every spawnable Warthog and two Scorpions. When the humans arrive
at the base, they can go inside and grab AR’s and Snipers, or move on to
the Warthogs. Once in the Warthogs, the only goal is to survive by driving
around the outside of the map. You must move quickly to avoid both zombies
and Sandtrap’s land mines. The Alpha Zombies can use their Plasma pistols
to disable warthogs, however, standard zombies are not armed with Plasma
Pistols. There are other secrets to this map, but I’ll let you discover
them yourselves.
Keep on Fraggin’ people who can’t spell.

Wrap up