Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Episode 150: Customs and Creations
for the week of February 26th, 2008

(hosts foo mo, oil, excardon, indu)


hey podtacular dakota 007 here

i have made many halo 2 maps check them out

also my friends love super zombies/ las vegas
its infection were zombies have sup speed & jump & no shields & unlimited
sword <>they spawn near pelican/the only tank on map
human spawn with pistol on the opposite side in underground room with a
and hog and 4 mongeese & lot of human weps (1 rocket)(no other rockets or
splasers inside) (rockets and splasers all around map)

check all of these out on my file share

also if ur interested in halo machinama contact me at my gamertag dakota 007 http://live.xbox.com/en-US/profile/profile.aspx?pp=0&GamerTag=Dakota+007

check out my site

keep on spankin hunters and
keep on fragin trucks driven by Microsoft employees in charge of xbox live
who dont do anything about the christmas crash and still havent fixed the
problem for most of the people (including me) and keep making my rank go

I just have an interesting tip for forge.

You can create somewhat of a superbounce if you place 2 mancannons facing
each other.

Just place one anywhere, and then face a second one about two feet away,
and if you enter on either side, it will launch you straight up.

If you put this near where the rocket launcher spawns on Rat Race, you can
get on top of the little room that pokes out of the wall.

Keep on fraggin Atkins guns.

DooM JellYfish

Okay, Podtacular just developed an awesome gametype! It’s called Super
Spartan Fortress. It starts as a 2v1, 3v1 or 4v1 Infection gametype, Then
it gets intresting! The humans or “non-zombies” start out in a fortress
with Splasers, Rocket launchers, sniper rifles, beam rifles, brute shots,
and SMG’s. But they also have 300% Shields 50% gravity and one hit kill.
But, zombies have 300% speed shield leech and acess to all vehicles
including tanks, But! the spartans shields don’t regenerate so when your
shields go out you can go through the teleporter to the sniping spot and
hunker down. But when All of the humans but one have been infected the
“survivor” needs to go through the teleporter to the sniping spot where he
can snipe or jump down and steal a vehicle. But, the zombies goal is
simple! It’s just to kill the “survivor”.

Hey Guys!
This is my first time writing in. Anway onto Foundry. I’ve been working
on a new map variant called floating city which has been taking some time.
I’m being totally cereal…the whole city…..is FLOATING BOXES!!!!! Its
pretty gangsta. I need some sugggestions on what to do with the floor of
my map because it has nothing on it! I was thinking about vehicles for a
little bit but decided against it. I can’t make it lava either. What
should I do?? Anyway PM me if you want me to put this map on my file
share. Otherwise what do you think

Keep On Fraggin’ Trucks and the n00bs that drive them…

Hey Podtacular, this is Big Red Dog 59. just sending in my customs. I made
2 maps on foundryt called indesition, and another called town central,
both are good for all gametpes exept jugs. Town central is a bunch of
buildings surrounding the water fountain in the middle. there are
rockets, shotty, and snips on both sides. all with limited ammo but faster
respawn times so things arnt to hectik. there are a few hidden things like
2 firebombs and a “law enforcer” ((aka sentinal beam) that are very
lightly hidden. indesition that that same rocket rush from the pit only to
swords and flamethrower. I am going to change it a little because the
invisiys at the floating sniper corners spawk a little to fast. land grab
is really fun here because theres on territorie that is blocked in the
middle of that hallway in the back so both teams can contest it but there
is no way to kill the other player unless you have someone go around.
these can both be found on my file share, once again, my gamertag is Big
Red Dog 59 with spaces inbetween each. sorry for the length but just had
to get these 2 maps in. Keep on fragging anus armour and the Patriots
(thank god they lost the superbowl.

hey halo nation, phil101 here to tell you about my newest map that i have created that is called HOME SWEET HOME. this is because the main base resembles a house. HOME SWEET HOME (HSH) is mainly built for 1 flag and 1 bomb, but it is also made for territories, slayer, king of the hill, and oddball. in symmetrical gametypes ,like slayer and oddball, two sniper towers spawn on opposite sides of the map near the middle. in asymmetrical games (1 flag and 1 bomb) the sniper towers are gone and the defenders spawn with the only sniper in their base. the attackers have a shotgun and rockets to use in their assault of the base. there are four ways into the base: one in front one in back and one on either side. the best way is through the back because there is active camo and a flamethrower which is a deadly combo. other weapons such as Brs and SMGs are scattered around the map. overall i have had fun on this map in every game i have played on it. it is in my fileshare under my gamertag phil101 as Home Sweet Home
My second creation that i have just created is the newest and most unique zombie gametype out there. it is called Airborne Virus and is played on my map Flyzone. what makes this game so unique is the fact that the zombies have rocket launchers and plasma pistols rather than swords. the humans spawn next to a large weapon cache along with 4 banshees and 2 hornets. the humans only chance of survival is to get in the flying vehicles and try to dodge the zombies’ rockets. this game is insane with ten or more people because there are rockets flying around everywhere. the game is in my fileshare. the game is Airborne Virus and the map is Flyzone.

here is the link to my fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/fileshare.aspx?gamertag=phil101

please rate it and leave me some feedback. great job on the podcast, shoutouts to Blademasta220 and JVB for helping me pwn noobs in team slayer, and keep on t-baggin noobs that camp with power weapons. thanks for reading this, phil101

hey guys, it’s natorlardtazium, the lardiest tazium you’ll ever see.
anyways, i’ve been working on a map called “deathpit” on foundry. it’s
pretty much just a pyramid turned upside down, and everyone spawns in the
bottom, and it’s just a mad dash to the top. thus the name, deathpit,
because if you spawn in the pit, you die.
keep on fraggin truck fraggers who dont want to be fragged but get
fragged anyways because they secretly want to be fragged because they frag
trucks and even manatee yodelers could frag them because they dont want to
be fragged by the people who were going to frag them before. (huh? dont
ask i was bored)

hey podtac peeps i had an idea for a costum game on the map foundry build a
small base on one side of the map and on the top part of the base put
machine gun turrets and sniper rifles then put enrgy cores that are always
falling and exploding then on the other side give the other team
battlerifles and spnkr missles and incresed strength and the team in the
fort give them ARs and BRs and times two sheilds. i call it the Alamo, i
thought of this in US history when we were learning about the Alamo.
PS.call the team outside the fort The Santa annas and the team inside the
so keep on fraggin brown eyed mooners!!!

hey jokeman31 here again and i have a huge glitch for you. on the map
foundry make a double box, press x and change it so it doesnt respawn in
the start. now remember where you put it! this is very important because
if you forget where it is you might mess it up! so start a new round and
go were you placed the box quickly place a new box in a diffrent angle and
then wait about 1 minute and the box you placed before will appear out of
nowhere and if you do it just right they will be fused together. for more
complex fusions make the spawn time longer on the box. after you fuse them
change the first box back to respawn at start and there you go a combined
(note) this will only work with items that do not move after you place
them such as teleporters/walls/bridges/boxes/ect you will not be able to fuse a mongose with a scorpion tank no matter how
hard you try…. trust me ive tried

keep on fraggin migets, jokeman31

Hey, it’s Arbitation here.

I made a pretty cool map to test your driving and vehicle shooting skills.
you’ll need an absolute minimum of two people for the drving although it’s
better with three. You only need one person for the shooting because, as
we all hopefully know, there is only one gun on each vehicle

I made it mainly for the podtacular marines use but I don’t really mind if
you use it for your own purposes.
So, you start off in foundry in one of the little side rooms on the left
hand bases and there is a warthog and two mongeese in there with you. if
you walk down the hall that takes you to your main hall there will be a
teleporter on the corner… I’ll get to what that is for in a moment.
anyways, you and another person get into a vehicle and you drive off the
ledge and try to land it without flipping. You then drive through a course
made of walls and ramps, and i’ve made two levels with the usefull ‘magical
teleporter levitation’ trick. the trick is, there are fusion coils all
around and the other person in the vehicle has to shoot them. This is just
a test for your ‘in-car’ shooting. I can’t remember how many coils there
are all together but there is quite a few, and an especially tricky bit
where, if the shooter doesn’t shoot the coils in from off the double, open
box thingy, you right through them and explode.

Now… I mentioned a third person and a teleporter, this part is optional
but it makes it fun if you’re timing it all.
What the third person does is go through the teleporter and you’ll find
yourself looking over the whole map. there is a range of weapons up there.
You can use them for blowing up the vehicles on the course just randomly
but i mainly put them there for punishment.
If you flip your vehicle or get exploded on to another part of the course,
the person up the top has to kill you and you have to start again. there is
also a sniper there for those pesky people who get out of their vehicle
before the SPNKR explodes their vehicle.
At the end off the course is a ‘hill’ and if you walk in to it, tou
instantly win… this game varient is called “Touch the hill” and you can
find it and the map “POD-MAR’s Track” in my file share :

That’s the driving done. Now for the shooting.
In the centre of the course (get there by going through the tleporter and
jumping down) you will find a chopper, a ghost, a gauss, and a norm.
In front of these vehicles there are several cones which you have to shoot
Also on the top-of-the-map-lookout is a mancannon which gets you to the
right side of foundry from there you will see two grav lifts which lead to
two turrets which you can use to shoot at vehicles that are on the second

WOAH, now that I’ve physically killed my fingers by typing so much I am
very happy to say;
Keep on fraggin’ trucks


Shout out to all the POD Marines!

My first ever maps I made were what I call “enhancement maps”. It is
basically maps that i tweak a little bit to make them more fun. So, my two
favorites are Valhella and Sandtrip, which are the only ones on my
fileshare, due to lack of MS points and Bungie Pro. I hope to get it soon,
because I am one of the many in the Halo Universe who are what I like to
call ‘Halo 3 Master Architects”. Basically, Valhella has extra weapons in
and on top of each base (hint), LOTS of equipment and grenades in the
base, a ghost, a turret, and Coagulation-style teleporters. Coag fans will
like this map.
Moving out of the base, you will find the Laser has been relocated. See if
you can find it with one of the grav lifts scattered around the map.
There is an overshield and camoflage in the corners of the map, and a few
extra weapons. Oh, and if you can get to the Scorpion in the middle of the
map before your opponents, you could gain the upper hand.
Ok, now for Sandtrip. In case you haven’t noticed, the names for these
maps are the same, but with one letter changed. If you pronounce Valhella
as Valhalla, I will be cross!!
Anyway, Sandtrip has not much changed to it. There are spawn points and
snipers up in high places, and a Scorpion and Wraith somewhere. The Grav
Hammer has been relocated to where I think is probably the cleverest place
I have ever put a weapon. Try and find it, but unlike the Laser in
Valhella, no grav lift will help you here. It depends on where you spawn.
There is lots of sniper perches, 2 energy swords on either sides of the
map, and a hidden banshee. And you can spawn on the radio antenna and a
sniper is up there.
All enhancement maps can be played with all gametypes, but I specifically
made them with Slayer in mind.
Onto my main maps, I have Surrounded, Da Bomb Place, and Immigrants.
Surrounded is not on my fileshare, as I need to update it first. It is on
Valhalla, and can be played with Team Slayer, and Infection, but was
specifically designed for 1-sided assault. Infection has to be either a)
zombies can pick up weapons or b) zombies start with snipers.
The attackers/zombies spawn on the very, very top of the tower on either
bases. They have snipers and missile pod. If they want, they can drop
down to the main base and get some of the weapons down there, and grab a
mongoose or power drainer or flare, and drive away. If you are playing
assault, then the base on the beach has the bomb.
Defenders are in the middle, and the have grenades, lasers, rockets,
vehicles and lots of defensive equipment. Also the custom powerup can be
useful – if found…
Da Bomb Place also needs updating, so it also isn’t in my file share. It’s
on foundry, so those without the map pack (yes, foo mo, I’m looking at
you!) will lot be able to play it. Play on mosh pit or possibly Slayer.
It has maximum amount of Fusion coils and Propane Tanks possible in the
middle of the map, as well as grav lifts and mancannons. Some of them fall
from a height, or fall on a grav lift, and so create an explosion, and
another explosion. In short, non stop explosions. Welcome to Explosion
The Mosh Pit is in the middle of the map, in the midst of all
explosiveness. There is also a few mongooses for effect. Pretty basic
Immigrants is on my fileshare, and is on Last Resort. Play with 1 sided
assault or infection.
The Immigrants (attackers/zombies) spawn off the beach, on a boat. they
have the bomb. on the beach, there is no way to get to the other side of
the wall, except the teleporters, which are random. This makes it harder
to protect your bomb carrier, but if it helps, the attackers have lots of
power weapons on the beach. There is no vehicles on the beach, as you
could bash the walls down and get through the wall another way. To make it
interesting, there is 2 warthogs, a mongoose (or two), a gauss warthog and
a scorpion on the defenders side.
This is still in it’s beta version, can’t test it due to lack of players.
if there are any changes that should be made to any of the maps, please
send me a message, or post on the file forum thread for that map. I will
change it ASAP.
When you are on my fileshare, don’t forget to rate the maps and post
comments, so i know what you think of them.
My Gamertag is Assassin073.
Keep on singing blahdebloodeblahblah
P.S. What did trucks ever do to you?? I say, frag the truck driver!
Trucks rule! Don’t frag ‘em!

So Foo Mo is back from England ey? Wot wot to u Foo mo. But lets get into
my custom map. It is for infection and is on Sandtrap. Humans are sutck in
that tunnel sticking up from the ground. Zombie is on top of the tunnel.
Humans start with pistols but there are Splasers, Sentinel beams, and
needlers near their spawn. Instant kill is turned on with everyone. And
the zombie has a saber sword. It is realy scary, because you could be
walking around, then have a sword stuck in your head. Now prepare for the
best “Keep on fraggin’” ever!!!

Keep on fraggin’ old sliced nunchuck cheeses with a side of British
Was that wasome or what?

Jgray73 here. Heres Something to do with creating a map(On Foundry). Put a
box standing and then put a bridge on it.Delete the box and the bridge
will be floating. You can make different floors to the level. Keep on
fragging anything that moves.

Hey again, Podtacular. This is for the Customs and creations show. I made a
map on Foundry called Crossfire. There are two two level bases on each
side. In the middle is a small building with an overshield in it. It is
the same distance from each base. There is a Splazer in one base and a
Beam Rifle in the other. Both bases are marked with “A” and “B” signs.
To the left and right of each base is a ouspost, each with a Needler in

The rocket launcher is in an open double box to the right of base “A”. It
only has two shots but a fast respawn.

This map is set up for a gametypes, but works best a Slayer, Team Slayer,
or CTF. Should be in my file share soon, plz check it out and Download.

Party on Podtac and keep on fragging retarded wannabes with superbowl
rings and fake teeth.

Shout out to Landenator120, who helped create Crossfire.

Waaazzuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup Podtacular! Foo Mo Jive, JVB, Dialpex!
SALUTE! Anyways I got an awesome zombie map that I made from scratch that I
think you guys will enjoy. The zombies must get through a maze then climb
a tower to kill the humans. The humans start up top and have to horde off
the zombies bearing down upon them. They also have access to an armory,
but where is it? You have to find it for yourself. This map is on
foundry, and also on my file share. My gamertag is x g e e g x no spaces. Thanks Podtacular you guys rok! Keep on fraggin trucks, especially
ice cream trucks because you can see ice cream flying everywhere and kids
running in terror!

Link to bungie.net:  http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=xGeegx

yo what my homies it’s dabenny17 again. me and my friend were, as usual, doing some forge editing. i made a map on
narrows where there was a blue base and a red base at either ends of the
walkway. they each had different kind of defences. one side had turrets
and the other side had a real cool box defence, my friend made that side
because i can’t balence stuff (even in real life!!). there where small
gaps between the boxes which you could shoot out of. heres the awsome
part; to stop spawn killing across the map i put 4 grav lifts that where
spread evenly across the top walkway. on these grav lifts where pallets
and wooden road blocks that, when they fell off the grav lifts and
smashed, would instantly respawn back on the lifts. you can hardly shoot
through them and you can walk through them without getting hurt. there is
alot of diffrent weapons on either side of the maps but only SPNKR rockets
in the middle of the map. i normally use it as a practice ground because,
you can snipe and stick the pallets and stuff in the middle. since my
fricking wirless adapter didn’t come when it should have it might not
appear on my file share. i do have a live account but, i don’t know
whether you have to be always connected to live for a file share to
appear. it is on there anyways, its called ‘high flyer’ and my gamertag is
thanks for all the podcasts and shoutouts to: my dog, bungie, plasma
grenades and those strange people at youtube.com!!
keep on using your golden melee technique!!

Hi there Podtacular guys!

I have been a long time listener and have yet to submit anything for your
shows. I feel like I would embarrass myself if it wasn’t good. I would
like to share with you a game type I invented this month called Airball.
This is a new Halo sport much like Griffball but completely different. It
has been a pretty popular map on the Bungie message boards lately and I
hope you enjoy it!

The object of Airball is to get killed. Yes, you read that correctly, in
Airball you score points by getting killed. This goes against everything
Halo slayer stands for, but it is really fun if you think about it. Here
are step by step instruction on how to play Airball. I should mention that
the my Bungie thread for this map includes pictures to illustrate each

..::STEP ONE::..
After spawning the players must push the two Airballs into the launching

..::STEP TWO::..
The Airballs then travels under the players feet to the other side of the
..::STEP THREE::..
The Airballs are pushed up a ramp and then fired back at the players

..::STEP FOUR::..
Since the object of Airball is to be killed by the Airballs, the players
volley for positioning so they are the one struck by the Airball.
..::STEP FIVE::..
If successful, the player will be splattered by the Airball scoring
themselves 1 point.


You don’t want to shoot or beatdown the other team. If you kill an
opponent they will be rewarded with a point. Also, the Airballs will not
get stuck in the lift but they may not roll completely into the opening
after every launch, if the balls are not being launched they are probably
stuck on the playing field, simply roll them off either side and they will
continue firing.

Here are the REQUIRED variants to play Airball. Without theses you cannot

Free-For-All. First player to earn 5 deaths wins the round. 5 rounds per

Team Airball
Supports 2v2 – 8v8. First full team to be eliminated per round earns a
point. 10 rounds per game.

Please Leave Comments on my thread if you liked new game… Thank You!


Keep on fraggin’ NOOB filled trucks, with laser guided chainsaw missiles,
that say five unique phrases including “ITS TURBO TIME!”, while combing
your Tom Selic mustache with light saber. HAHAHA

hey podtacular this is my first submission and i have a pretty cool map
called Maze on foundry i originally made it with a race track in mind but
then i thought this might work pretty good as a infection map an it did.I
also have a gametype to with it its called Maze. ill get on my fileshare
ASAP. The zombies start out with swords an hammers i think cant remember.
on one part of the map there is a weapon stash with almost everything u
can think of.id really appreciate if u guys who are listening would
download it an the gametype an give me feed back on what i need to improve
on it.Shout outs to the podtacular crew keep up the good work.
Ps can i haz midget anus armor with kermit the frog on it.

Hey Podtacular xX S0RA Xx again and ive got an awsome zombie map and
gametype. the gametypes called OH SH!T, and the maps called Vehicle
Bombard they are both in my file share just look for my gamertag.(Once
agian the o is a zero) keep on sticking camping nubs!!

Im in the middle of finishing my map, but i can tell you whats going on
with it. Its called Battleships and its got a game type that goes with it.
anyway, the basis is to go bomb the other teams elephant but with a few
awsome twists. first off, i managed to get a hornet to land and stay on
both of the elephants, where not only does it take off (nurrr) but you can
re’dock it without it falling off while the elephant moves. each ship is
loaded with weapons and vehicles, such as boats, rockets, mines, grav
lifts (for boarding other ships :D) and turrets up the wazzu. there is
nothing else anywhere on the rest of the map, because this is supposed to
be an ocean. I may add some more awsome stuff but im not sure.
Also, i made a swat map on foundry, which also needs to be finished.
players start in the hallways on both sides of the map, and have an armory
in the first room. this is the only time to be in that room, because when
you leave you cant get back in there. you will have to see how i did it
:D. so theres some good old obsticles and barriors to hide behind, very
hard to describe the layout. see you guys later and keep fraggin trucks
till your out of nades then create more on forge.

hey guys its shotgunfreindly with a cool new map concept brewing inside my
head. well just like a good beer a forged map takes time to make and brew
up. currently the idea i have inside my head is rather simple yet very
complex in making it a reality. when i first thought of the idea i was
playing the Front Lines Fuel of War Multiplayer Demo. i realized that no
real good urban city maps have really ever existed in halo multiplayer
other then turf. so i set out on thinking of a good urban map to make in
forge. currently my idea has focused on making a almost alleyway style map
with buildings players can go in shoot enemys from above, and fight within
the buildings. i also had an idea of making a subway tunnel system
underneath the map but that seems much to complex at the moment to
accomplish. so far only rough drafts of the map have been sketched up on
paper and so far it looks really good for those who enjoy close quarters

another idea i have had brewing in my mind is a classical warlock style
arena map for those little BR MLG babies who always complain that halo 3
needs a map like this. well all i can say is that if you want it that bad
go in forge and make it yourself but i dont no. oh ya and i also plan on
remaking snowbound only without the shield doors that way no more camping

ya so shoutouts to Anorexic Leader, Icy Flame, Freak in a Box, and of
course my good friends at ODST Recon who By the way have reached 1million
posts in a single thread in less then a year. if anybody wants to
challenge us to a spam off to see who can make the most posts within a
certain time go ahead and send me a message.

keep on loading shotgun slugs into annoying MLG babies who dare say that
the Elite is a inferior multiplayer model to the Spartan WE WILL BURN YOU

seeya shotgun out

Well, since my last half of my submission wasn’t read the last Customs and
Creations show, I decided to put it on this one. No offense taken last
time, I understand it was pretty long. Well, here goes.

Fat Kid is an Alpha Zombie game on High Ground. The stage is called
Wendy’s. Lol, Fat Kid at Wendy’s. Anyways, there is one starting
and, like Tunnel 3.0, is funner with more people. The one starting zombie
is the Fat Kid and has the lowest setting of speed and gravity and 2000%
damage resistance with 4x overshields.. He moves so slow, he doesn’t
appear on your radar, unless he jumps. The Fat Kid has a sword and a
hammer and spawns by the beach.

The humans spawn at the other side of the gate, which is blocked off. If
they go to the rooms around the normal laser spawn, they will find a
plethora of weapons and grenades. They pick and choose like in Tunnel.
Then, they try to kill the Fat Kid. There are 2 gauss warthogs near the
Fat Kid’s spawn area. The humans gather their weapons and grenades and
dance around the Fat Kid, laughing and shooting him with powerful
It’s funny when the Fat Kid dies from an assassination with tons of
left. Usually they get in about 2 kills before someone get too close to
Fat Kid and dies from his lunging attack. Then, they spawn as his minion
with 300% speed, 50% gravity, a sword, and low damage resistance. Now,
smart humans will run backwards, fighting off the zombie(s). They will
likely go into the place where the pipe is, where you have to crouch walk
to get in. The room with the pipe is littered with fusion coils. At the
end of the pipe, they’ll find weapons and grenades. Some zombies will
to go after them, only to be fragged or shot. The entrance closer to the
beach is blocked by fusion coils, and some zombies can move them and make
it into the room, but they’ll be killed. It takes the Fat Kid to go
them. The Fat Kid goes inside the pipe and slaughters all human
resistance. There are 6 rounds to this, but you can change that if you

Thanks for reading my submission. I won’t type super-uber-duper-noober
long submissions anymore. Keep on fraggin super-uber-duper noobs who eat
pudding while watching the 6th season of Family Guy on a portable DVD
player and playing Halo at the same time with a mike, so that everyone can
here his laughs in the lobby.

Just wanted to tell you guys about two of the maps I’ve made. They are
both race maps on narrows and guardian. Both are in my file share with their game variants.

BUT THATS NOT ALL! Every since I heard “keep on fraggin’ trucks” I wanted to do something
about it. So I made a map called Truck Fraggin’ This is also in my file share with
its one-sided CTF game type.

keep on fraggin’ Hippies

heyy podtacular! first time submitter, but im not new to the show! ok heres
my creation called king of vallahalla. there is a hill in the middle of the
map where the spartin laser would usually spawn. surrounding the hill are
boxes to hide behind to keep the people from getting sniped. inside the
hill are power weapons such as: gravity hammer, sword and shottys. there
are NO long range weapons in the hill. behind each base in vallahalla are
teleporters that go to the top of the bases where you can see the whole
map. there are snipers and lasers there. you should have 4 people on your
team on the hill and the rest sniping. this is the best stratigy. there
are a few tricks on the map. bubble shields are hiddin in special places
because they can be very valuble. if you have a bubble shield in the hill
you cant get sniped but you have power weapons to kill someone that enters
with a normal weapon. if you want to come play it add me oOo FuRyZ oOo

PS just got my 360 back from the shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I found a great map for a little zombie fun. Its called Viva Pinata, and is
played with the gametype Fiesta, and can be found in my file share—>
It is on Last Resort’s beach area and there are large open containers
dangling from receiver nodes in the sky. These are the pinatas in which
the humans spawn, and which the zombies try to knock around in an attempt
to win the delicous and yummy brain candy with their big
hammerthingysticks. Zombies don’t have shields, and humans spawn with
random weapons. Its a bunch of fun with a medium to large group of people,
everybody wants to play another round.

Hey Podtacular, this is Pengwin Smacker, and I have 2 custom maps to share.
The first is Stairway Hill. It is a King of the Hill map on Foundry. It is
basically a floating stairway leading up to a floating platform in the
corner. I have a custom Team Hill game in my file share that has a
stationary hill so the game can work properly. The second map is called
The Maze. It is a VIP map on Foundry. You start in a closed-off area with
a row of teleporters. The teleporters take you to a random part of the
4-path maze. The paths all have obstacles in them, some of them on the
explosive side. Only one path will take you to the finish point, and if
you can make it past the instant-respawn fusion coils, you’ve won! There
is also a special game variant for this, where everyone needs to be on a
seperate team to play the game. My file share link is in the shownotes if
anyone wants these maps. Thanks, and keep on fraggin’ trucks!
-Pengwin Smacker

Hey podtacular, jacked kill here. I have an awesome gametype and map to
tell you guys about. the game is called Halo basket ball. it is a variant
of assault and takes place on a map on valhalla that is also called halo
basketball. it is designed for 5v5 games, everyone has has shotguns and
200% speed, the bomb is the ball, and it spawns in the center of the map.
the goal is to grab the ball and take to the opposing teams base and there
are grav lifts leading up to the top of a radio antenna and that is where
you place the bomb, it detonates in 1 second and you get a point. keep up
the good work guys, and keep spamming grenades. P.S. : eventually you guys will get accused of racism.
Gamertag: Jacked Kill

To: Foo Mo Jive, JVB, and anyone else is on the show
From: Dark Templar177

My map is NOT a remake of Containment from Halo 2. My
version of Containment is a well balanced map built on Foundry made for
team and free for all games. With a maze of boxes and walls for a bottom
level and a catwalk with close range weapons floating above, this map
promises tons of surprises and intense battles. It even includes two bases
for team games. This map also works extremely well with Infection game
type. It was made with a touch of Grandma's Love by: Dark Templar177 and
RIOTRUNNER2012. Check my File Share on bungie.net for tons of other
awesome maps! My gamertag is Dark Templar177.

Keep On Fraggin’ People That Save Money on car insurance by switching to

alright into double digits 10th submission. well first thing that I will
say is that starting from here I will celebrate your 150th episode by
using only 150 words. go.

Well first off I would like to say that anything on forgehub.com is worth
looking at. They have some good stuff on it. Some good ones are the
porcelain pony (a giant toilet), cellars, ghost town, spillway, and
gradient. They also have some awesome remakes such as foundation and meta
lock. And the COD 4 map crash. These are all well done with close
attention to details. And original spawn points. One of my favorites is
the cellars. This is an awesome map that takes place on rats nest. As all
the other maps this has it’s own game type. Which is a territory game. I
am certainly not taking credit for any of these maps just trying to get
them known. Forgehub.com gives wannabe forgers and easy way to get there
awesome stuff out to the community. I can’t go into much detail about
the maps but download them.

there 150 words (these don’t count) well glad to have you back foo mo.
hope there is no delays for this episode I was really lonely not learning
about the halo universe for like 28 years. I didn’t like it. once again
download some maps especially the award winning ones on Forgehub.com and
keep on trucking frags

hey foo! just sendin the obvious. i was playing in a forge map called,
madda cheeb. it had a wall like master chief helmet and you only had
grenades. it was cool! the battle was played on the forge maps almost 70
time in a day. keep on fraggin nay nays momma on a piece of toast and the nes games with
a side of salad covered in ranch dressing.

hey guys
kn1ght l1ght82 here just wanted to share some of my favorite forged maps
and customs. well to star i dont have alot of time to make maps but here
are some maps that i really like along with some customs. latly i have
been playing with some o my friends on their maps and others but my
favorites are…..
complex- a highly item ritch map on foundry
death trap-maps that are basicaly a trap that you have to find your way
out of

here are some customs
hide and seek – a version of infection but you have to hide from an
invisible zombie but you only have 1 life
GRIFFBALL- the awsomest awesomness in awesominton all that sid its pretty

so yeah that it um keep on kicking badunkadunks with anus armor on

Hey guys this is plasma qrenades with a sweet zombie map. This map was
built on the idea that over time, you built better bases and find more
weapons while fighting the zombie horde. Players get rewarded for
surviving longer. The bases grow, get connected, get more weapons, and
get more cover later on in the game. If anyone wants to know how to do
this, you spawn an item, hit x, select spawn at start and set it to no,
when this is done, the item spawns at its respawn rate. This map is
immensely fun and great for games of 8+ people. It can be found in slot 2
of my fileshare and the gametype is in slot 6. The heroic map pack is

Wrap up

Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)