Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Episode 119: ZOH MY GOD Halo blowout
for the week of July 12th, 2007

(hosts Foo Mo Jive, JVB, Laird)


omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg…etc.

I cant believe this outburst of awsomeness that got released. I am so
exited by this and that I feel like ripping my eyes out stuffing them in a
box, go to treasure island, leave it there and then go back and get them
when halo 3 comes out.

Halo footage: i think that this new gameplay looks very good. I noticed a
few things: 1. on the bottom of the phantoms there was a curious sort of platform with
what looked like small jets or something, i dont know if thats to hold
troops on or if its for holding onto vehicles for transport perposes.
2. I think that if co-op needs to be played on halo 3 then the 2nd player
will have to play as the arbiter. I think that that will be very cool and
make much more sence rather than there being 2 master chiefs and then only
one in the short vids with-in the campaign.
3. I just have to say that the grunts look even more ugley than in halo:
combat evolved/2. The red eyes and the strange texture make them look

The short film on halo wars was good to.

unfortunately thats all i can think of through that space of time and now
i’m off to treasure island…

The beginning of the conference was amazing; from the start Microsoft
started all of us Halo nerds off with a big bang. It was cool to hear the
band play the halo music, but it wasn’t so cool to see peter moore
forget which buttons to press on a guitar….

Anyway back to halo stuff. The new console looks cool, the only downside
is that it will ship with the 20GB hard drive, but I guess they had to
because all of the other ‘exclusive’ things Microsoft planned to put
into the package the cost would have been just be too high to add the
120HDD. Hopefully the whole halo 3 360 wont price any higher than $450

Halo: Arms Race was hit or miss. At first I thought it was a trailer of
some sorts for the upcoming “movie” that has been rumored for so long.
But the ending kind of gave that away with the “Halo 3” , “Finish the
Fight” endings. Later bungie announced that this new short film is just
the first of many.
To say things bluntly the short was not all that good, I can really tell
why the did not show to much action, or actual fighting, because the one
little firing scene where the marine looked dazed as a fake looking plasma
blast ignites next too him, was really dumb looking. I was hoping WETA
could of done better but it looks like Neil (the director dude) messed
things up.

Now for the fillet mignon of the show, the Halo 3 campaign trailer. Simply
put it was amazing. Just like the first Tv spot this new trailer makes me
want to infiltrate Bungie studios and steal a copy of halo 3 for myself,
even though its probably not finished as of yet.
The trailer’s graphical sense was one of the best I have seen, just
behind killzone 2. As Peter Moore said, Halo 3 will not be for the average
gamer, it’ll be for the story driven dedicated one who loves great
gameplay and a good intellectual story. And of course everyone and their
momma will be buying halo 3.

Did I mention the Marathon XBLA game? I never played it before;
fortunately I never have owned a MAC (OHHHH IN YOUR FACE FOO!) but I will
buy this the day it drops onto the Marketplace.

Hey AERO here and I just want to say having the Arbiter there helping out
the Master Chief is an awesome addition. Not only in gameplay but also in
story. Before they were two rival warriors whos races were trying to
destroy each other now they’re relying on each other to survive! It was
kinda showed near the end of Halo 2 but now Bungie is really exploring
this in Halo 3. Plus with online/offline co-op the other player can be the Arbiter instead
of another spartan that isnt involved in the story at all.

Keep up the great work and shout outs to team iStrik3 c17!

First off, let me say how amazed I am with all of the Halo info that was
released. Halo 3, Halo Wars, Arms race…..just amazing. I’ll first go
into Halo 3. The graphics look awesome, and so does the game-play. Having the Arbiter fighting at Master Chiefs side in co-op? Brilliant. The
animations for boarding vehicles look more fluid, and the new Scarab looks
more Covenant (or more like how a covenant vehicle should look. ie: purple
armor). Miranda and Cortana look different, and so does the Arbiter a
little bit. Also, it seems that master Chief confronts the Arbiter, as he
shoves his pistol into his/her(?) mouth. Very interesting…also, at the
beginning of the trailer, it sounds like a new prophet, as it’s too raspy
to be a brute and too deep to be Truth. Sorry for jumping all over the

Halo Wars: From what little I’ve seen about this game-play wise, it looks
sweet. My only problem is that, like most RTS’s, the infantry units
(grunts, elites, etc.) are bigger than the vehicles. But hey, if that’s
the only flaw, then I’m fine.

Arms Race: The next best thing to a Halo movie, this series of shorts
created by Neil Blonkamp (is that how you spell it?) looks awesome. I
heard that a majority of what was shown was CG, which is pretty
impressive. I can’t wait for more episodes.
It’s truly a good time to be a Halo fan.

Overall, I thought the E3 Halo things were par, if slightly over the top.
The Halo 3 Xbox 360 is very unnecessary, and only something a Halo fan
would buy if he had not purchased an Xbox yet. The live action film was
equally not very cool, and the Halo 3 trailer seemed like a basic trailer.
Nothing particularly special, though very, very cool for fans, as all
trailers are.

I got most excited during the announcement of Xbox Live Arcade games, and
the addition of Marathon 2: Durandal. This is interesting. They chose to
do the sequel.

Marathon was arguably the video game that made Bungie a household name.
Released in 1994, it was THE GAME to play on the Mac for years. Until,
that is, Marathon 2: Durandal, came out, and then Marathon: Infinity
later, which Bungie bundled with map making software. In 1998, a year
after Marathon: Infinity was released, the source for the Windows version
of Marathon 2 and the original Marathon source were lost. Later, Bungie
released the Marathon 2 source for the Mac not because they chose to
release it because they thought it was better, but because it was the only
one they had. The state of Marathon: Infinity’s source is not known.

So, at this point, they can only do Marathon 2 cheaply enough to make an
XBLA game. The original Marathon would be far too expensive and time
consuming to rebuild completely (and it would have to be) in order to
work. It would be like developing a completely new game that was a port.
Just stupid.

Now, the developer for Marathon is Freeverse. Freeverse is composed
primarily of Mac fanboys, and therefore Bungie fanboys. They’ve been a
part of the Marathon community for ever, and they still are.

Why is this relevant? Marathon is the spiritual predecessor to Halo, and
there are many links between the two games, which are far too extensive to
go through in a mere comment box. However, a trip to Halo.bungie.org’s
story page, and to a lesser extent Marathon.bungie.org’s story page can
clear all of that up.

In conclusion, I think the exiting things this E3 were not Halo 3 and
Killzone, but G4’s horrendous coverage (which I’m sure has gotten
mentioned hundreds of times on the show by now, so I’m not bothering), and
the 10 second clip of Marathon placed inconspicuously in a Xbox Live Arcade

hey guys the halo 360 looks so awsome too bad i cant get it cause i dont
have money. anywayf the trailor loked relly kool and. So Jastimme die ich
mag die Anhänger und, dass die Spiele sein werden, hoffe genauso wie gut.
Okay keep up the good work. keep on fraggin stufff.

Hello, reaper here, I’m a somewhat old listener and a new member of the
forums, and I just wanted to share some opinions and speculations on the
new Halo 3 screen shots and E3 trailer. In the trailer it shows numerous
times the Arbiter and Chief working together. In episode 103 or 106, I
forget, you talk about the possibility of online co-op. as it seems, it
might be possible, the host would be the Chief, and the other person the
Arbiter. Also, on the topic of co-op, do you think they will have
Achievements for playing co-op online?(like in Gears).

Another thing, the HUD seems to have gotten a makeover. I noticed that
the movement tracker thing (can’t remember names for the life of me…)
also showed distance. Could this be distance to the objective, or to a
specific place?

Also, as it seems, the Covenant begin to glass Earth. How do you guys
think this will affect the gameplay, or even the story?

Finally, in the trailer it shows the Chief bending over what looks like it
could be Halo’s controls. Could they actually activate Halo?

Thanks again, and if any of this was said already, I’m sorry. Keep making
the Chief sound like Cartman!

Wow…the trailer was amazing! There were a lot of things you could
notice, including multiple environments. My favorite of them had to have
been the jungle. The lighting in the jungle was amazing. Perhaps my
favorite part was seeing Arbiter wield the assault rifle at 1:17. Despite
what others think, I think the Arbiter will be really fun to be in Halo 3,
and it looks like the cooperative gameplay will perhaps let one player be
Master Chief while the other play as Arbiter? Gahh I can’t wait for Halo 3
to come!

oh wow what to discuss…

Well I would like to start off saying that Bungie almost made the IRC
crash when the Halo 3 trailer was shown.

About the “Arms Race” short:

I personally didn’t like it. It seemed low tech and cheap. I HATE those
“sunset with the ship int he background” scenes. WETA helped make this. What happened to the awesome graphics? The atmosphere in this short was
not halo. It was dark, gloomy, and dirty. The buildings and places
didn’t look like Halo at all. It looked like modern day urbia. The only
reason we could tell it was halo was the BR’s and vehicles. If this is
what the Halo movie will become then they should just not make it.

The trailer:

We see that Master Chief and the Arbiter are working together but at some
time are also against each other (the pistol to the face). I am guessing
that they are “enemies” before because of their past (Master chief barely
beating the Arbiter in First Strike, only winning because he forces the
Arbiter into an escape pod, and shamming the Arbiter by destroying Halo).

He also notice a new equipment icon and a 4th grenade slot. The equipment
has been speculated on and is guessed to be the Radar jammer only because
its the only equipment we know of that wasn’t in the beta. It could be
something else. The 4th grenade slot is a mystery. I personally believe
it to be a Forerunner grenade, maybe electrical based. I also believe
that we will see Forerunner weapons and Vehicles in the final game. True
we have a TON of weapons but most of them are a clone of another (plasma
rife, SMG, Spiker). What i believe the Forerunner weapons will be are
ENTIRELY different kinds. We already have the sentinel beam which has no
other weapon like it. Here are my ideas: A tesla coil-like weapon that
shoots a short range stream of electricity, a pulse rifle that shoots tiny
balls of energy, and some sort of explosive weapon.

The “cartoony” ring and buildings in space i believe are #1 a halo. I
have always believed that all the halos are different and this one seems
more of a crescent. The place the pelicans are flying towards is not the
Ring but the planet it orbits. The buildings on the horizon I believe are
Forerunner ruins or a working Forerunner city.

Not really important but kinda cool that i found was at 1:15 in the
trailer you can see one of the Prophet holograms. The model is a lot
cleaner and better looking then the Halo 2 version.

After a flurry of E3 happenings regarding Halo and other stuff from Bungie,
I am as stoked for Halo 3 as ever.

The new trailer was awesome, as we got a look at some of the stuff that
will happen during the Halo 3 campaign. Seems as though that Missile
Pod’s going to be put to good use when you’re facing enemy Scarabs and

After careful scrutiny from the Podtacular community, we also saw that
there appears to be a fourth grenade type. I’ve heard the possibility of
it being Forerunner technology, as well as it being a smoke grenade or a
flashbang. We also saw a deployable Covenant turret and the return of the
Arbiter and Guilty Spark, as well as new character models for Cortana and
Miranda Keyes.

The Halo Wars video that was shown was, in my opinion, pretty cool. We
didn’t see any gameplay footage of the game up until when that video was
released, and what little we saw looks promising. I’m definitely looking
forward to more stuff about Halo Wars.

And then there’s Marathon: Durandal for Xbox Live Arcade. I never played
Marathon, so if I decide to play it, it’ll be the first time I’ve played
Marathon. Still, from what I’ve heard and of what I’ve seen, Marathon
looks like a great game. I’ll definitely be checking it out once it’s

Thanks, and shoutouts to everyone over at Rec E, Foo Mo, JVB, and I’ve got
to give a shoutout and my belated congratulations to Godfree and the crew
over at Gamertag Radio for bringing us great E3 coverage, as well as being
sponsored by EA to do so. Keep on fraggin’ trucks!

Hey, this is my first send in to podtacular but I’ve been listening since
93. I’m kind of wondering about the direction of the game. With cortana
losing her mind there is no one to talk to you like there was in the
previous games. This could lead to interesting dialog being left out, such
as when cortana speculates on certain things in the game. The chief never
really says much, and in other games the characters talk to themselves to
provide direction. Now I don’t want to see the chief talking to himself in
the middle of a fight or something. The arbiter might fill in for that but
I doubt hes in the every mission. Any thought on this? By the way thanks
for a great podcast.

Hey guys, its tubaguhbluba. Well, i stayed up to watch the Microsoft E3
Press Conference and by the end of the night, i about pooped my pants. I
thought the trailer was of the heezey, and looked way different than the
announcement trailer last year. But one thing i noticed was when the
Master Chief was shooting rockets at the Scarab that there was a green
triangle on the Scarab, and it looked like it was the same green triangle
used to mark where your teammate was in co-op. Now, since the gameplay
wasnt filmed in split screen, i think theres gonna be xbox live co-op,
which would rock.
Now, the Arms Race video was just a sign to me that there will be a Halo
movie, which would also rock. It looked pretty cool, but i dont know if it
really revealed any new information to us. So to me, the video was just to
advertise Halo 3.
Next, the Halo 3 Xbox. It looks really cool, but who’s gonna buy it?
almost everyone who wanted halo 3 already bought an xbox 360, so these
wont sell as much as they could have of if they had released this a month
or two ago.

Wow! All the information that has come out about Halo 3 at E3 is amazing!
Here is my short analysis of the info.
1. The graphical enhancement of the single-player. Notice the subtle HUD
shake when the rocket launcher is fired at a brute.
2. The Master Cheif fighting alongside the Arbiter will allow for
interesting co-op storyline plots.
3. Enemies will now fight with equipment. This will add numerous different
experiences during the campaign. Imagine fighting a large pack of brutes,
each with equipment, on Ledgendary difficulty.

Even though it was short, the trailer is just what Bungie needed to show
to keep us Halo fans alive til September 25th.

To Foo Mo Jive and JVB: Thanks for all you guys do each week. And to
everyone else behind the scenes: You guys are what keeps the community

I am really pumped about what was in the trailer. The only way to really
get anything out of it was to take it apart like joystiq did or some
Podtacular people did on the forums like BlankCanvas.

We already know the radar jammer is coming so I think the new symbol is
that. It looks like a radar sweep.
Why do we need a flash bang? Am I supposed to be excited about brutes
throwing plasmas, spikes and flashbangs at me?
Why are a pelican and several covenant battleships leaving the site of the
huge forerunner artifiact at the end?
The music from the trailer is up on Bnet.
It’s awesome to see Master Chief and the Arbiter working together. I don’t
mind playing as the Arbiter at all, I thought he was cool! Ending Halo 2
with him though, was stupid.

And Marathon: Durandal was announced for XBLA. It’s coming later this
summer and was developed by Freeverse. It is a predecessor to Halo and
shares lots in common with it. Durandal is an AI that has gone rampant and
sends you on various missions. You get to dual wield pistols and use the
original SPNKR missle launcher. Maybe we can have a Marathon Podtacular
tourney before Halo 3 comes out.

Ok, so here’s what I think about all the Halo News (no pun intended)
that’s been going on this week.

1. CAMPAIGN FOOTAGE!!! Wow. Just wow. There is just so much stuff crammed
into one little trailer. The things that intruiged me the most were:

A. The image of MC and the Arbiter standing next to each other, looking at
a hologram of Cortana falling on here knees. Even though that was only
about 1/2 a second long, I was still so intruiged by it. What could’ve
happened? Could the Gravemind really have taken over her?
B. Another thing was that at the very end of the trailer, MC is looking at
this glowing table or something, and we can’t see what it is. A few of my
friends say it’s Cortana, I don’t agree. I don’t know what it is, but I’m
pretty sure it’s not cortana.

get over the fact of how smooth and clean the graphics look. I mean, even
little details like the glow off of MC’s visor is amazing.

Most of the other stuff in the Campaign trailer was in the beta.

2. Halo: Arms Race

What is this? I’m thinking it’s an excerpt from the Halo movie. I don’t
think it’s a short film. I personally have no idea of what this is, and
why it says Halo 3 at the end.

I haven’t wrote to the show in a while and i thought that this week would
be a great week to get some thoughts in…
First of regarding the H3 trailer. I have to say im simply amazed with all
the details that were revealed for the game. I mean it was just crazy to
see the brute chopper in action, see the marines on the back seat of the
warthog (hope it makes the game – 4 people warthog =(overkill machine)),
also all the nice and shinny maps that were shown just made me want to
play this game even more. Im still a bit worried about the clan system
since it’s been the only thing that they haven’t touched on since the
annoucement of the game. I really hope they put the clan system back on
the game. Other than that i think that the grenade slots are the only
confusing part as we have seen footage with 3 grenade slots and footage
with 4 grenade slots… Which one is it!? Anyone know more info please
Anyway, the other major thing for me at this E3 announcement wasn’t even
Halo Wars, although i will love this game better than Starcraft 2 im
sure… But the short movie Arms Race was simply amazing. I hope that they
will use that as some sort of showcase to the studios that could possibly
be interested in sponsoring the movie once the right time comes. Neil
Blomkamp is an amazing artist and you can see the realism and attention to
detail that he put on that video. Now imagine that in a full lenght
movie… It would be amazing and possibly one of the best selling movie
box office records of all times…

Anyway, I’m counting the days…
Keep up the great work and big shout outs to Foo, JVBIZZLE MAH NIZZLE,
Krunk, Angie, my mom and my dad.

I know JVB has a LOT to talk about, but maybe address the halo themed xbox. I presonally would love to see a “non-three red light” themed xbox. Where the colors stay the same and the xbox doesn’t break!

OMG im not sure what to write because your rushing me dam you but ill try
to write something that makes sense.

New Single Player Footage

Ok so to be real while the pure sight of the footage did excite me, but it
did seem alot like halo 2,now im 100% halo fanboy beleave me ive had to
hold off some guys over at the COD4 forums saying that that game will pwn
halo 3 anyway im hoping the, and im going to say it, graphics are going to
have a touch more polish put to them as i felt while watching it all seemed
a little to wooden what ever that is supposed to mean, but knowing it will
look better than the beta, which i was really pleased with, gives me

Xbox360 Halo Edition

WOW what can i say Microsoft will try anything to milk the fans and halo
for everything it is, im not at all fooled by this attempt at getting even
more money out of us i don’t even like th idea of a black 360 let alone a
nasty green one ill get the headset but thats were it ends.

I could go on for hours but i know you guys are stuck for time so im going
to summerise
Halo Arms Race = Amazing i want more, gave halo a more movie like
realistic look
Campaign Stills = Look alot better than the trailer not to sure about the
bright bubble shield maybe just caused by lighting, but liked the spiny
effect it now has when deployed.

Holy shoes! Those vids were AWESOME! First off, the live action thing was just plain awesome. I first saw it
on YouTube and I thought it was a hint that the Halo Movie was a go. I
hope it may be. But either way it was so well done and very cool. Some
people have said otherwise, but I thought it was extremely well done. It
was clear that the budget for the short was low but they made it work in
my mind with good music, camera work and timing. The trailer was amazing. The guy breaking it down, just annoying. Especially when he went into the hair of Miss Keyes. That was just plain
sad, really sad. The new Halo Wars trailer looked really cool. It looks like Halo Wars
will have the same feel to it as the original Battle for Middle-Earth. If
any of ya’ll know, will it be available on the PC? I saw the stills from the game, flat out spectacular.
Halo 3 themed 360 is cool, but pointless if you’re X-Box 360-less like
So that’s about all for now guys. Keep up the great work!


And remember for most people they’re D.U.I.’s but for Paris Hilton there

Keep fraggin’ the Dallas Cowboys!

When i saw the E3 trailer i almost crapped my pants. The campain looks
awesome and it also revealed that the Master Chief and the Arbiter are
teaming up, and it looks like they are in a lot of scenes together so
maybe when you do co-op one guy is the MC and the other is the Arbiter. Or
you can choose which one before the level starts. And the voice in the
beginning sounds just like Gravemind. Did anyone notice the 4 man Warthog
with no turret because that looked awesome. And the brute chopper looks
sick as well. The campain looks like Earth is almost completly controlled
by the Covenant. And that the MC and the Marines are a huge rebel force.
One thing i noticed is that there could be boss battles because the MC has
to take down a scarab with a rocket launcher.

But the one thing i am most concerned with is the first level. Since
Bungie said that the events of Halo 3 happen right after the events in
Halo 2. So is the first level going to be on the forerunner ship at the
end of halo 2 or does the MC just jump,teleport,fly off the ship. Because
in Halo 1, and 2 there is always the armour testing sequence and the view
changing sequence and you can’t be trained on an enemy ship. SO HMMMMM?

Thanks for reading this guys. WOOT!

WEll first off i want to say halo 3, halo wars and that halo arms race
thing is seriously making me want to go 100 miles north of my curent
possesion and spy on the bungie staff to find out anything i can :). it
may sound wierd but when they are that close you cant resist.

The campaign looks real fun. Fighting with the arbiter will be loads of
fun. And that carrier hog looks stupid. whats the point, is there any big

Halo arms race seemed a little cloudy for my liking. I wouldnt want to see
it in any movie. and the cgi or whatever they used to put the real people
with the warthogs and pelican looked fake. I see better special effects in
harry potter.

Other than those ranting im excited to see what happens when ever IT

shout out to pod rec d and SGO lonewarrior

On July 6th Args.Bungie.Org user nattyhaze has found “Flood Containment
Control” advertisements for hiring in various classifieds sites
(Craigslist, Windows Live Expo, Yahoo, etc)

There has been a picture in the ad that includes the glyph that was found
on various places (Society of the Ancients protest, First “Iris” Email,
AdjutantReflex’s second avatar)

There was a phone number (1-888-778-5672) included in the ad, when first
called, it said that “Flood Containment Control” was closed and told you
to check back later

During the course of July 7th through the 10th, the messages for the
“Flood Containment Control” phone number has changed four times, these
messages had a conversation of 4 people, Iris followers used all of the
messages to form one big conversation…

Man 1: ...is necessary, and neither is the doc download.
Man 2: I agree. This isn’t going to be a public resource. Uh, pass on the
document number so I can delete it.
Man 3 (Bill?): So where does that put us in terms of the numbers then?
Man 1: There’s no way to tell yet, Jimmy’s looking into the records to
find out how many closed sites there are, but as for active clean up,
somewhere around 3-4 thousand.
Female 1: Roughly.
Man 1: Oh here it is. Uh, Hold on. 402-K-07-002 and in terms of numbers
most of these are past the PPE stage.
Female 1: And out of that 4000 or so we are expecting to close shop on the
bulk by the end of the month.
Man 2: With a few exceptions: site 34, site 4, 107, and 37.
Man 3: Even with CDC involvement?
Man 2: The center usually goes in before we do, that’s been my
Man 1: By the time we have the site clean, they’ve moved on to more
pressing needs. After all, we’ve had some extremely unpredictable seasons
Female :1 Should we be integrating the NIOSH database?
Man 2: No need, their rep is available to us any time we need her.
Man 3: That gives us stats on all the active locations?
Man 1: On everything we still need to look into.
Man 3: What about security?
Man 2: Well we’re working on it. For the moment we’re simply hiding the
data behind a false menu item.
Man 1: Security will be updated before the next system approaches
Male 3: And access?
Female 1: Enter the access code after our site.
Male 3: IP-slash-three-four-six-three or something?
Female 1: Yeah, slash-five-four-six-seven-K, actually. It should be
operational any time.
Male 3: Great, I’ll pass it on. I have to drop. Thanks, everyone.
Female 1: Thanks, bye.
Man 2: Okay, great. Bye Bill.
Man 1: Thanks.

[Download of whole conversation if you want to put it into the podcast -

When the last and final message was put up on Flood Containment Control’s
phone number and put together with the other messages on July 10th,
players found this part of he conversation very significant…

Man 3: What about security?
Man 2: Well we’re working on it. For the moment we’re simply hiding the
data behind a false menu item.
Man 1: Security will be updated before the next system approaches
Male 3: And access?
Female 1: Enter the access code after our site.
Male 3: ip/3463 or something?
Female 1: Yeah, /5467k, actually. It should be operational any time.
Male 3: Great, I’ll pass it on. I have to drop. Thanks, everyone.
Female 1: Thanks, bye.
Man 2: Okay, great. Bye Bill.
Man 1: Thanks.

From there players were led to www.halo3.com/5467k where people would
select their state and they would see various gaming stores in a Microsoft
Virtual Earth Screen (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc)

When you hover the mouse over one of the locations, they would see a
encoded message…


Then some one put “3463 5467k” into a cell phone to find out that got
converted into “FIND KIOSK

When discovered, people dashed to their nearest store that was in the

This is where “Man 2: Well we’re working on it. For the moment we’re
simply hiding the data behind a false menu item.” came in, there was a
false menu item after the 2 options “Play Halo 3 Vid” and “Health Warning”
in the Halo 3 menu

Selecting that played the Halo 3 Starry Night and the following quote
appeared for one second while Master Chief puts on his helmet

“There is no Malicious intent, only the single minded goal of survival”
-Blaise Vigenère

After players wikipedia-ed “Blaise Vigenère”, they found that he made the
Vigenère cipher…

Knowing this information, people went and started to decode the message
found on halo3.com/5467k

Players quickly decoded it to find this out


Here it is in sentence form…

Report 206
Every 16 hours another planet is taken
The numbers being lost areastronomical
Report 223
Host world raised
Correct concentration to point 65
Fleet losing control falling back
Rendezvous at Nine Bravo Kilo Two Romeo Six

This is where all of the numbers became an ip and the rendezvous point was

From there a lot of players made a mad dash to in
hopes to be one of the 100 people to get a key and help unlock server 2

At around 6:12 PM PST on July 10 server 2 was unlocked and there were 4
files and a video.

The video was about the flood

The files were 2 pictures (another star image and a picture named
infestation), a transcript, and a video

For all information go to these to threads…

Hey guys! Wow…E3’s Halo segment was not amazing, it was “azaming” (add that to
your wordbank right next to “stuff”.

Anyways, I’d like to point out 2 things. 1 is that when they’re going down
onto Earth in the pelican, it shows the cockpit. Many people believe that
it reveals another spartan. I say NO, YOU TRUCK DRIVERS! then frag them.
It is an ODST marine, duh!
2: In the forest, when Master Chief holds the gun to the Arbiter’s neck, I
think the elite is dead. It just seemed emotionless. Not sure.

I’m new here, just started listening at episode 95, and love the show. by
the way, good luck with the squirrel belt!

Hey Podtacular, this is what I think of the new campaign footage

1. the fact that their are elites behind the MC along with an arbirtish
one , when the monitor 343 GS looking thing transmitted message from
cortanna, means that there are no elites that remain with the covenant,
despite what talk on the forum suggested,
2. the fourth grenade could be flash bang, it does bear resemblance, or it
could be a alt fire for the BR or some other weapon such as the BR in CMT’s
custom maps, which had a little grenade launcher on the bottom that wasn’t
powerful but could flip vehicles and suchity such
3. Halo Wars looks Freaking sweet! I can’t wait to play this sucker, and I
hope it comes to PC
4. I freakin Can’t wait to play Marathon, if only I had a 360.. hmm maybe
a buy babam a 360 project hmm… jkjkjk
5. also I have huge news, While I was at the movies, I saw on my popcorn
bag an ad for Rush Hour 3, w00t chris and Jackie are back at it again!!

Shout out to Face Head, for being awsome

Wow…i really was amazed at how well that trailer was put together. Bungie
really is an amazing company. The graphics were good, gamplay looks
awesome, and overall, it was probably my favorite trailer yet released. My
only complaint (which really isn’t a big deal) about the graphics is the
trees have many flat bunches of leaves arranged in different directions.
This wasn’t really a big deal, but just something i noticed.
The arms race video was awesome. It actually looked really realistic. I
don’t know about whether it is a sort of preview for the movie to come,
but it was pretty interesting none the less

i kind of think the halo 3 360 is a little overkill, but it will sell
none-the-less. I agree with tuba in saying that most people already bought
their 360s for halo 3, and not many will try to buy another one. This is
what i did. Anyways, it does look pretty cool.

Keep on Fraggin’ Wilcox Old Fashioned Chocolate Milk, and Chicken pot

Hey Podtacular, Big Goalie Dan here.
Man so much Halo goodness in just a few short days. Unfortunatly for me, I lost power at my house on Tuesday and I missed out
on a bunch of developments in the ARG. I could have gotten a key, but
nope…darn thunderstorms. Anyways I loved the Arms Race video and sure hope they put out a lot more
like they said they would. Watching that video gave me new hope for a
Halo movie someday. The whole thing was made in CGI but you can’t tell. I swear the warthogs and the Battle Rifles looked so real.
As for the trailer, only Bungie can give so much infomation without really
giving ANY info at all.
A couple of people on Podtacular and a few other Halo sites I visit seem
to be confused as to why we’ll be fighting Hunters and Grunts in the

Here is why we’ll be fighting them (not a spoiler just known bits from
Halo 2)

Don’t forget in one of the Prophets’ speeches we overhear a prophet state
that Brother (whichever one went to Earth) essentially jumped the gun and
went there too early.

I forget how many drop out of slipspace at the start of Halo 2 but
remember we only see the ship carrying the prophet jump into slipspace to
go to Delta Halo. The other Covenant ships with all the Elites, Hunters
and Grunts are probably still on Earth, unaware of the events that
transpire on High Charity. Maybe this is why Arbiter howls at
1:09…perhaps Masterchief and the Arbiter have come across a mass grave
of Elites (who were slaughted upon the arrival of the Forerunner ship) and
he howls for his fallen brethern.
Well that’s it for me. I’m still processing all the Halo goodies from
this week. Looking forward to the show…go for a new record and make it
a 2 or 3 hour special this week. LOL

Keep on racing arms,
Big Goalie Dan

Wow…i just saw the advertisement for the halo short films that will be
coming out over the summer, and let me say, those will be awesome!!! I
think it’s from the same guy who made the arms race video. Anyways, it
looks cool like a glass of lemonade. i am really anticipating those. They
will probably clue us all in on the forerunners and stuff. I hope they are
available for a free download on the marketplace!!!

Wrap up

Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)