Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Episode 116: Interview Frenzy
for the week of June 11th, 2007

(hosts Foo Mo Jive, JVB, Logan Payne)


Is there

Actually, I had a few questions.
2. Is it just like Halo PC where you can Mod vehicles and put new weapons
in and stuff like that?

3. Is there a noticeable difference in the difficulty in Campaign? For
example, is normal easier on Vista than on Xbox? Or any other difficulty?

-What is the online like in Halo 2 Vista, does it feel the same to Halo
-Do you think the lock up of the H2VEK (halo 2 vista editing kit) is a
good thing, sure it will kill off true custom content, but it will stop
n00bs from making lame maps with nothing but nukes, but it comes off as
being easy by locking off the truly fun stuff
- have you yourself tried to Dabble with the H2VEK, or does it scare you
(jk jk)
shout outs to Kickamanjaro, Logan Payne, and Rocktard/Shurboi
we miss you over at the forums and on Halo CE

Well that’s all I can think of right now, but yeah
keep on cahneging models
wait never mind you can’t do that in H2V

Cya guys later BTCGMOP
(Babam the Cricket Grunt Master of Pidgeons

How is the Halo 2 Vista Editing Kit?

What is included?
Can you use a 3rd party 3d Studio or does it come with one?
Is the level of customization as deep as Halo CE?

Is it any easier to use then Halo CE’s editing kit?

Well, the big question, how is the map editor. It’d be helpful if you could
compare it to the halo editing kit one. also, is it worth buying it, or is
it just good for achievements?

i would just like to ask the special guest if halo 2 vista equals or
exceeds the halo2 for xbox and if he has played any mods and if he could
go into details

PS funny gamertag: Granny’s triceps(Below the biceps for those who dont
know human anatomy)

Hello Podtacular, My friend was thinking about buying Halo 2 for the computer, he just
got Vista, and is wondering what it is like. My questions are if they have
found glitches, patches, or mods yet. Knowing the Halo community they
probably have. So, is Halo 2 worth buying for the PC, or should my friend
just stay playing Halo 1?

Thanks Podtacular
Keep on fraggin’ trucks, squirrels and my science teacher

To cover:
  1. achievements
  2. customs/matchmaking
  3. new maps
  4. custom maps
  5. map editor
  6. graphics and sound differences
  7. frame rate
  8. XP kit
  9. ??

Wrap up

Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)