Podtacular Episode 59 Show Notes

Podtacular Customs and Callins, Episode 59 for the week of April 17th, 2006

with Foo Mo Jive, JVB and LoneBananaFone

This is the Customs and Callins show, hold the onions (explanation)

Custom games

I played with my freind a fun custom called smear the queer. its an oddball game played on acsension
where the person with the oddball has CAMO and can move fast and everybody has no shields.
Everybody has to stay in the middle platform though.

“Smack Da Ho”

This custom game is funner when played with lots of people. No staring
grenades, and no grendes on map. Smg and shotgun as staring weapons.

There is one ho and a maximum of 15 pimps. The party leader gets to
decide who the ho will be at the beginning. All the pimps have to find
the ho and smack ‘em. You can’t shoot the ho. The ho can shoot. The ho
can use the shotgun or the smg, but nothing else.It would be wise to
set the weapons on map to shotgun so the ho isn’t tempted to use the
sniper or sword. the funny and fun part is finding the ho. Since
everbody on your radar will appear red, it won’t be easy to find the
ho. basically you have to find the person who is shooting to be able to
know who the ho is. If one of the pimps kill another pimp by accident,
then he becomes the ho. Only one ho at a time. Once a pimp kills the
ho, he decides who the next ho will be, but it can’t be the same person
twice in a row. have fun pimps, run ho’s

Name: Mercenaries

Game variant: slayer
Mach Options: 1 round
100-250 kills
No time limit
Resolve ties off
Player Options:
16 active players
00 lives
10 sec respawn
No suicide penalty
Normal-no shields (I play with normal)
Motion tracker on
Active camo off
Extra damage off
Damage resistance off (put on if using no shields)

Team Options: (note: you play with 3 teams)
Team play on Team scoring sum
Team changing on
Friendly fire off
Respawn time cycling
Betrayal penalty 15 sec
Force even teams off (note: has to be off)

Slayer Options:
Bonus points on
Suicide point loss on
Death point loss off

Vehicle Obtains:
Vehicle respawn time map default
Primary light vehicle warthog
Secondary light vehicle gauss hog
Heavy vehicle scorpion tank
Banshee on
Primary turret large machine gun
Secondary turret large machine gun

Equipment Options:
Starting weapon BR
Secondary weapon Magnum
Starting grenades on
Weapons on map human
Weapon respawn time double time
Grenades on map on
Overshields on map off
Active camo off

HAVE TO PLAY ON COAGULATION. Simple 3 teams 1green 1red 1blue. Red and
blue have to have more people. (need at least 5 people to play) green
has a max of 3 people and are the mercenaries they hide out on the cave
has a max of 3 people and are the mercenaries they hide out on the cave
with water which no team can shoot in or out of (no whacking ether
foomo.) to hire the mercenaries you must give a vehicle or weapon and
the entire mercenaries team now works for your team (make sure to tell
your team.) mercenaries are meant for killing tanks and banshees (^%@!
You bungee for adding banshees(Banshees are annoying) ) but can also be
used for killing infantry.

custom game “24” like the TV show.

It’s assault, with starting weapon magnum and secondary being SMG. On
the map there is only snipers (but grenades and everythings). The
special rules, however, are as follows:

Defending team (CTU) can only use pistol and Sniper Rifle The offense
(terrorists) can only use pistol or SMG. However, neither team can dual
wield. Also, extra damage and no shields are both turned on, so
is very important.

Map: Ivory Tower
People: 2-4 to a team

Down in the ivory tower courtyard there are those 2 glass windows.
Well, punch out the glass and have fun.
One ball
Starting weapon: plasma pistol
Score to win round: unlimited
Weapons on map: none
Over shields
No grenades

First punch out the glass windows in the ivory tower courtyard. Then
punch out the bench. Next charge your pistol and pick up the ball at
the same time, do not let go of R (do this in a remote location so no
one runs over your plasma pistol and picks it up, after a while it will disappear), you probably know how to do this, it is so you have no gun.
Do this with all players so everyone has no gun. Dribble the ball up
the court by pressing R and picking up the ball. You have to dribble;
you cannot just take it up without dribbling. Try to throw the ball
into the opposing team’s window. To get the ball off of a player go
close to him so you pick it up when he dribbles. Play to ten or

Who Dosn’t hate Modders? Because I DO! So I came up with a way of
rooting out the little buggers so that they can’t touch my Level 29
ever again! Heres how it works…

First, set up a game called, “Modders Paradise” and set it up like a
glitch game so that they think its legitamate. Then, go to one of the
new maps so that they can start modding like the smelly nerds that they
are (believe me, they don’t even need host). Then when someone starts
brag about the mods that they are doing you write down their gamertag,
log on to bungie.net and get the cheating losers banned!

Its so simple and dumb that it works! I almost feel bad banning half of
my friend’s “friends lists” but not really. If you ask me, they can cry
me a river, network glitch a bridge and then jump off it!

Have fun, just make sure you dont start a matchmaking game, because you
dont want to be associated with the modders in you party.

Also, this may sound almost contradictory but I have found “bridging”
is not a bad thing. I tried it with a friend as a test, and wouldn’t
you know it, having host means cheaters cant stand-by you. Im not
neccessarily recomending it, and if its considered cheating I’ll stop,
but it sure makes it hard for the actual cheating bas….people with no lives :)

I wanted to let you know about this custom game type me and my other clan mates play called “knife fight”. You’ve probably heard the old saying “never bring your knife to a gun fight” well that’s where the idea came from. You have no shields and your starting weapon is the plasma sword and your secondary weapon is the magnum. You learn very quickly the sword is worthless, because single head shots kill you before you can even lock on anyone with the sword. Hence, never bring your knife to a gun fight. This game type works best on small maps with no radar and it’s a fun Rumble Pit or Team Deathmatch game. I really have to give props to my clanmates for coming up this one – bad mun key, RedAss Monkey and Uncle of Monkey.


starting weapons BR and Sniper
weapons on map sniping
50 to win
Free For All
radar on
best with 8 players
scoping and no scoping

Great game for warming up before matchmaking customs and MLG games

I have a custom game for your friends convinience. Name a custom game “Gone right now” and if you leave to get food (I
like food)or something like that and a friend joins they know that you
are not there and trying to talk for 5 minutes before they realise you
are not there is useless so they can just leave or wait for you and not
look stupid while trying to talk to you.

One custom i have is really fun and is called Golfing. It is a
Juggernaught type game. Host must have Juggernaught and unlimated ammo.
Both host and the other players must have oversheilds. You get in a hog
and the host must sit in the side seat and fire rockets at the ground
as you go over hills and you go flying 80 feet in the air and do
several flips.it is higher than super jumps. I would also like to give
a shout out to Extincttitan and the Man19 who were the origanal
insperation of my idea.

This game is called Axis and Allies. starting weapons are battle rifle
and SMG. allies can only use SMG and Axis can only use BR. Must be
played on a map with a base that the allies can attack. there must be
less people on the axis then on the allies. axis have to camp in the
base while the allies attack. NO GRANADES!

Take a regular sniping game but you have sing Just before you kill
somebody until you kill them. you have to press the White button when
you sing so everybody can hear you. foo you should try this with me
pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssse i’ll pay you!!!!!!!

Ok So the name of the game is Dodgeball. Basically it can be played on
any small, symetrical map, but Beaver Creek is the best. Everyone spawns with no shields and a brute
shot. The only rules are
that you cannot cross the halfway point(The River in Beaver creek.) Set the lives to about 7 or so, and
shoot away. The team with players
remaining at the end of the game wins.

a game we call”Mayfair massacre” or “one gun”. game play:shoot on sight.
great for increasing your head shot accuracy. magnums no shields,max
damage.rules : no gernades,no duel wielding , no weapon respawn or
secondary weapon, but you can melee.first one to score 15 kills wins
.best played on turf.

Star Wars


OK Grenades on map
Starting weapon Plasma Rifle
Secondary weapon Sword
Weapons on map Plasma
Kills 50
Vehicles: light ghost, heavy wraith, banshee on, turrets plasma
Rules: ONLY juggernaut can use sword

Some suggestions 4 the name: AnotherDayInDaHood/Hood Warz/Drive-By’s/etc… This game can be alot of fun if people follow the rules. It works on any map with warhogs on it, i.e containment, coagulation, zanzibar, etc, and can be played with any number of players and teams. Personaly i like it set so it is just 2 teams RED VS BLUE… i.e tha WEST SIDE VS EASTSIDE with a maximunm of 8 players and a minimum of 4, since if people don’t have a warhogs they tend to get bored fast and therefore be more likely to break the rules. However, 4 teams 2VS2 is fun as is 2 teams 4VS4, whatever floats your boat.

Basicly the objective is to kill the other team but with a twist… players can only kill from the passanger seat of the warhog, i.e only the passanger can fire his wepond and kill the opposing team/teams. There IS NO KILLING IN ANY OTHER WAY AT ALL. The settings don’t really matter, they can be quite fexiable and open to expirementation but i prefer no radar, no powerups, vehicle respawn on double, all other Vehicles off, and primary and secondary light vehicles are set to either gauss or regular warhog. Default weponds because variety adds fun to the game, however it can get anoying if your friends are rocket hogs because often that is what the game comes down to, who has rockets… But if your friends are cool u can agree not to use them as much or at all, if there not, then your probbly better off setting the defalut weponds on the map to all SMG’S or something like that.

This a fun game type. Two teams, one team is the aleins and the other is
the Humans.
primary weapon is sentenial beam(which is only used by the aliens) and
secondary weapon is the smg(only used by the humans). Humans can only
use human vechles. The aleins can only use alein vechles.

Hey guys, just wanted to tell you about this custom that I came up with called Friday the 13th. Its a
combination of zombies and hide & seek and is a juggernaut variant. Everyone starts with shotgun and
sword. I know you dont like the whole “invincible juggernaut” idea, but it’s pretty cool. The juggernaut
can only use the sword, has damage resistance, overshield, and moves slower. The “victims” of the
juggernaut must either band together on smaller maps(use the shotgun only), or splatter him on larger
maps (only Warthogs on, all the time). Each shot must count, for everyone has one life, including the
juggernaut. Truthfully, I have never played this with anybody, but it sounded cool when I came up with

This is the new “Podtacular Friendly” Custom Game Submission Format

Name: Mag Em and Bag Em
Best Map: Lockout
Start Weapon: Magnum
Sec. Weapon: Plasma Pistol
Weapons on Map: Duals
The other game variables are either not important or dont effect play

Point of the Game: To mame and kill the other people in this FFA magnum
showdown. Basic strategy is to use your plasma pistol and magnum as a
dumbed down “Newb” combo.
Have fun! This is my favorite game type because it makes the magnum (my
favorite weapon) the primary fragging device :)

Name: Catch Me

Type: Juggernaut

Juggernaut options:

everything normal except for speed = fast
time limit = none
now, the juggernaut cannot kill he can only run away from the other
players. The other players are slower so it is harder. Best played on
Midship and other small maps. If juggernaut kills he should be booted.

I gotta custom game for ya…it’s called “We Are Bungie” what you do is
invite as many people as possible, and sit in the pre-game lobby, and
when people ask you “when are we gunna start the game?” you answer
“it’l start when it starts.”

no but seriously – the game is called Cross-Country Rockets
Map: Coag
Weapons on Map: Rockets
Second: none
All players go to their corresponding color base (if your red go to red
base and so forth.) No one is allowed to step off the base. You must
shoot other base from your base with rockets only. If you die and dont
respond near the base take a vehicle or walk to your base. No one is
allowed to kill you if you are not on the base.
This game may take a while but its fun. whats scary is you see like 16
yellow flares coming towards you and your like Holy Sh-t!!!

TheBEAST205 wishes to submit a custom game to the Podtacular cast!
“The name of the game is Tag,” said TheBEAST205. “The rules are very
simple,” he said,” The game type is Oddball.” “It is a free-for-all
game with plasma pistols as a starting weapon, no weapons on map, and
only one ball,” he stated. “All of the players go to the middle and do
the empty hand glitch (charge PP and hold X to pick up ball),” He said
with a smile on his face,” and the last one to do it has the ball.”
“The unfortunate soul with the ball has to run around and try to throw
the ball at a player and get them to pick it up because of the glitch!”
He exclaimed. “You set the time for 10-20 minutes,” he gasped,” And the
person who has held the ball the longest loses.” TheBEAST205 sends his
regards to the Podtacular team and congratulates them.

Ok I have this custom game that my friend made, or at least thats what
he told me. Its called pirates. To be honest its just like hog wars
(ships), but with brute shots (cannonballs). This is a 2 person per
team game. ok so the time limit is 6 minutes. 1 to gather your
warthog and ammo, the next 3 is for shooting from your passenger seat,
then if all else fails you get into your gause cannon and tear up the
competition. everything else is variable, I guess. It’s fun if your
bored. Credit to jburton90 for submitting, shout out to P00PIE M4N for
creating it and the elusivejustin for not playing by the rules….you
stinking noob.

The Game is called “Shark” or “Ahhh Banshee”
Slayer Game- 4 threw 16
First Weapon-Plasma Pistol
Banshee On and Can be only be played on Acension
6 rounds
The rules are all people playing go to the banshee pad as the closest
person to the banshee or the first one there gets in the banshee and
waits until everyone, EVERYONE, gets on the banshee pad. Once everyone
is on the banshee swoops down at the banshee pad trying to splatter the
people down there. The people on the pad can hi-jack the banshee and
take over as the shark. Nobody can shoot at the banshee or at other
people and the banshee can not shoot the people unless they, after the
game has started, have stepped off the pad then the banshee can shoot
This game is very fun and very hard. Nick (Renag3 N), Hyrule Scout, and
I love this game.

Hey podtacular, i have a cool custom game for you, its called “Last Man
Standing”. The starting weapons are rockets and secondary are random.
Yoou have 9 or so lives and itts best played on Lockout and Midship
with a lot of people. Its fun because you have to watch your back
and try to dodge rockets and swords and stuff like that. Eventually
it will be a lot of fun withh rockets flying everywhere. It’s just
really intense.

Hey podtac I got a game for you. Name of it is Zombies xtream. Well what
the breakdown of it is that same rules as Zobies only no weps respawn
and humans can use swords. And is best with about 10-16 people and is
best played on Headlong. Really fun game hope you guys enjoy it I play
this all the time. See you guys later.

Vip is a game that I made based on the custom game President. One
person is blue and he is the President and can only melee. Another 5-6
players are brown and are body guards who protect the President for an
set amount of time and can only use battle rifles. Another 2-3 players
are red and are assassins who try to kill the President and can only
use sniper rifles. You need to put a time limit of 10-12 minutes. The
Assassins cant move for the first minute to give the guards time to
find and hide the President. Best played on Headlong. You can decide
how to chose who is in the different possitions(body guard, pres.,

banshee:off only warthogs
sarting weapons:shotguns
secondary weapon: brute shots
other weapons that should be on map:snipers,battle rifles
players: team game even teams only up to as many players but make sure
the to teams are even.
game type:capture the flag

This custom game is called “Laugh at the Fat Kid” its a fun game to laugh and have fun. It’s a
juggernaut game, where the
juggernaut is slow (fat), hass a sword (His Twinkie) and oversheids
while the regular players have human pistols only and no sheilds. This
is best played on Lockout or Beaver creek because they are nice and




Tales from the Fox Hole

I dunno, I think it’s kind’ve funny that Podtacular. com is blocked at school for pornography.

One time I was on lockout walking up the bridge about to jump up the
sniper when for some reason I flatout fell off. Just for the heck of
it, I threw a grenade into the air toward enemies. That grenade ended
up killing the entire enemy team! Trust me, I wouldn’t believe that if
someone told me, but it really did happen.

I’m sorry about the confusion with Wizard on Halo PC (you can see I’ve only played Halo for xbox once
or twice). The other map on Halo PC is Ice Fields. It is a large map with a frozen lake and a bridge and
tunnels. There are also balconies and many teleporters.

Another great thing in Halo PC are the weapons. There are new ones that were not in Halo. There is the
flamethrower, which you have mentioned. It is powerful, but anly in close range. Some people think it
is pretty cheap. There is also the fuel rod. this is great!. It is a little weaker than the rocket launcher(2
shots to kill) but you can fire about 10 before it overheats.

When me and my friends were playing Halo 2 one afternoon, we were split
into two teams. A 4 vs 4 match on coagulation. Anyway I was running
away from my friend who had a ghost. I thought I was going to die so I
turned around and waited until I would die. But when I got hit by the
Ghost, I did not die but instead fly half way across the map. I only
stopped flying because I hit the rock wall. It was unreal adn we
laughed so hard.

One time I had a LAN party over at a friends house and my friend and I
were battling it out at the Lockout sniper tower area when somehow his
whole team came over to kill me, being the best of all of us, I
accidentally jumped backwards over the edge and screamed (CENSORED.) I
yelled “FINAL GRENADE” and threw a sticky back up and stuck my friends
and I got a triple kill. I wasn’t mad anymore. HEhE

This is just some thing kind of random, but awhile ago I was deranking
in Double Team. I convinced some level 7 newbs that I had a mod that
reversed my negative score to a positive. Example, If I had -47 points,
because of my mod I would have 47 in the end. I did a bunch of times,
and these newbs believed me. I even convinced some to join me. Pretty

during one slayer game on lockout, i was playing with a bunch of honest
guys who dont cheat and we ended up getting the score to 49-25 against
a team full of prepubecent kids. at that point, everyone on the other
team quit except for the most annoying of the little kids who
superjumped on top of the grav-lift building. So all of my teammates
and i went beneath where he was and distracted him with br fire while
one of our teammates superjumped up behind him and smacked him in the
back. It was a great thing to see the little cheater given a taste of
his own medicine.
on another note i’m totally with you guys about cheating and
superjumping, a lot of my freinds do stuff like that and i do to, but i
choose never to do it in matchmaking, only for fun. It just makes me
feel so guilty when my friend does some glitch in ctf on zanzibar and
automatically opens the gate.

i was playing 6v6 slayer on ivory tower and i was haing a really good
game, so i through a sticky granade at the a guy named billybob and
stuck him. he ran around a corner intowhati haveto guess was his whole
team because i got a KILLTROCITY and a killing spree!

OK I was playing Champagne one day just to do glitches and stuff and as
i was shooting a grunt when an elete came behind me and assassinated
me. Now at first I was pissed ( For Gods sake its an elete) but then it
sayd “Do you want a banana, Demon.) Weird

Best N@@B story ever. My friend ( InherientGalaxy) brother (The
Hunter980) and i were all playing team slayer together with _a oompa
loompa_in team slayer. the game is BR slayer on zansabar. normal so far
right? well the game laggs a bit to start so everone gets mixed up.
these poor noobs get so completely confused. by now we’ve all taken up
good sniping positions and ect.-but they think we’re modding, cuz they
cant find us. finally they group together out in the open on the inside
of the sea wall, and one rocket one br shot and 2 sniper rounds are all
fired at once from our team. It doesnt get much better for them from
there. we go through an entire ten minutes of total noob powening and
end the game with a frightening score of 50 to 3. it was very sad. if
that wasnt sad enough, they sent more messeges than god about us
modding them. lol, u should have been there.

One time in Team Action Sack I was with one my friends playing ninja
assualt on Midship. The score was like 4 to 4 and I was walking up the
ramp by myself while my whole team played defense when I saw one dude
sitting in the right corner next to me, he was waiting for my team to
arrive with the bomb, I was still by myself, he was with one of his
teamates. As soon as I was able to see what went on it that base I can
not forget. The 2nd guy on the other team is near grav lift and walks
up to the 1st guy in the right corner and says “Can I rope you?”. I
burst into laughter and I take advantage of the situation and assainate the 2nd guy and beat down the
1st guy. I arm the the bomb while laughing so hard, I also hear the 1st guy yell to his 2nd teammate
saying “YOU FU#@%$! RETARD, YOU HAD TO STEP RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

Game over, we win, I told my friend what happened and we laughed in a
Team Actionsack pregame lobby for 5-10 minutes.

One time in Terminal I was on the turret and shooting this one dude on
the trains track and he fell down and hid behind the pillar holding up
the train track. He tried taking me out with his BR but he was unable
because my turret was taking out his shields. He then threw the most
random sticky grenade ever and so I said to myself I had two choices.
My first option was to stay on the turret and take the damage to my
shields from the grenade while firing at him so he’s still hiding or I
could get off the turret, let it blow up, hide, and NOT let my team get
the kill. So I said there wasn’t a chance for it to stick me so I kept
shooting him even though he was still hiding. Then all of a sudden I
see a blue light on my HUD and I got off turret panicing even though I
had one second to live and I died blowing the turret up with me, so
much for me keeping the turret alive. Their team got the kill and won
the game, then a couple of minutes later in the postgame lobby I made
friends with the guy and we would never forget the sweetest sticky we
both saw.

Hey podtac. its TeenZebra again I a quick tip/story for you well the tip
is that when playing a Assualt game or CTF. The tip is that if you have
the flag and in the passanger seat have the driver drive full speed and
HOLD X to get out and go flying at the base. You might want to get out
at about 50 feet from the base or else you will go past the base.

Sorry if this is long but I need to tell a story; Ok when I was playing
on Coag and playing a CTF game on of my teamates was running back with
the flag. All of are Hogs where destroyed so he had to run. Anyway I
had a sniper and was covering him. What happend was that about 3 guys
and 2 ghost came at him, ghosts coming first. I was feeling good that
day and buy some chance and practice I gas tanked the ghosts and killed
the driver. Next came the troops, one of them had a brute shot and one
had a noob combo and the other hag dual SMG’s. I decided to take out
the Noober first and then the Brute shot. I took out the Brute and
noober but was out of ammo and only had a SMG. Well I was just about
charge at the guy when out of nowhere a worthog pulled up and killed
the guy that was attacking grabed the flag and we won the game. It was
so sweet it was just like a movie.

During a game of team snipers on Headlong I got a sweet Double Kill. In team snipers I tend to fire
twice on every target just in case I miss the head shot with the first shot. So I’m scoped in on this guy
and I fire…and then I fire my second shot just out of habit. Well, the first shot happened to be a head
shot, so that guy was toast. Then, in the split second before I pulled the trigger again, out of nowhere
this dude jumps into my scope and my second shot gets him in the head, too! Bam! Double Kill. It was

This is Rawkfist. I have a good story for you. I was playing at my friends house. His Gamertag is
KrazyKrzys.( Thats Crazy Chris by the way) I am a total n00b with a controller at Halo (Don’t have an
Xbox!) so I stuck with him. It was a Fiesta gametype on Lockout(I think). We were down by 1, 49-48. 3
Sword guys were coming at us. They advanced and my friend backed up while I fired maddly with my
SMG. They all lunged at me, when there was a big explosion. My friendhad stuck me and it took all of
them out! They hadn’t noticed! We ended up winning it was great!

Here is a tale from the front from Red-Dot-On-Your-Forehead

This isn’t actually about Halo-2 per say but its good nonetheless:

I was playing a text-base RPG game online and I was kind of bored so I
was about to quit. I told the people I was playing with that I was
quitting and they asked me why. I said, “Yeah, this game kind of bites,
I am probably going to go play Halo 2 or something.” Then some random
guy replied, “No don’t go, we have Halo right here! Where are you?” I
said to him, “Hey, I’m over at the building by the text-based painting
of the Monolisa.” (I am not kidding)

He said, “Okay, I’ll be right over!” When he arrived he typed in allot
of code, and then this is what happened…


After that I called the guy crazy and left, I didn’t feel like playing
Halo 2 for a while after that, strangely I felt compelled to play
Dungeons and Dragons…

Here’s my tale from the foxhole: One day I decided to play a matchmaking game with my friend and
we were playing slayer on Ascension.

I was sniping while just as I scoped out he tried to assinate me ,but I jumped. I unfortunately fell off
the side and I threw a plasma grenade up hoping to hit him as I fell.

He said to me that he saw the sticky just fly a few centimeters from his head.

That’s my unfortunate tale from the foxhole.

If you’re looking for a kill that will really aggravate your foes,
especially at the end of a game with an XBOX Live friend, or someone
you are in the same physical location as (LAN or Split-screen) then try
to follow in my footsteps!

I was playing with these three people I know, and I was the best
Halo-er there. We were playing on Lockout (I think… The one with the
sword and shotgun. Lockout or Ascension) and someone I was having a
firefight with fell off the walkway. I knew I would get the kill
because I was shooting him just before he fell, but I decided to be
evil and jumped off after him, killing him before either of us died
from the fall, making the game-winning kill.

Once I was playing zombies with shotguns only on Lockout with appox. 16
people. I was still a human as were appox. 7 other guys. We had the BR
and Sniper tower secure. No one was dying. Finally, I got sick of the
just waiting around and jumped to the middle of the map. Everyone was
watching me and was yelling at me to come back to the BR tower. The
zombies went up the grav live one by one. I stood in the middle,
pumping lead into them at perfect timing. My teammates were giving me
the chugging contest “go’s” I got around 12 in a row before I died. I
got many Kilimanjaros, and everyone was jealous of my mad skillz.

yesterday i went in team slayer with a friend and we got team snipers on
terminal. most of the game we were neck and neck. then when there was
only one minute remaining, the other team was up by three and they were
all hiding. I started running around like crazy to try to find them. I
found them all in the back. One word: Killtacular. It was badass, with
only four seconds remaining. I saw so many bullets flying by my head,
but i dodged them all. You should have heard them in the postgame
carnage report, they were so pissed. We were just laughing our asses
off. haha. good shit.

some gamertags ive seen are…

Huge Bacon
I eat AsiaNs
Butter bean
Who 8 my Bigmac
Yummy Dump (???)

I was playing a game of juggernaut at Lockout and i was the juggernaut.
i was running around the level and i fell off the edge. i threw up a
grenade to try to get a kill, and i ended up with a killtacular in
betrayals because someone else just became the juggernaut.

One time I was playing a game of Warthog Wars, and we had shotguns. One
guy hops in a hog and says “Hop in”. Instead, I go around to the
seat and try to blast him with my shotty, but he pulls away. So he says
” Don’t go and try that om me” and pulls farther back. I then take a
few steps back and all of a sudden, two warthogs come flying down off a
cliff onto him. Thanks to the no sheilds everybody dies-except me. I
just sit and laugh and then get booted.

Also, I was playing 1 Flag CTF on Zanzibar and they got the flag on
the outer side of the door (The ones leading into the base). I had the
sword out and tryed to defend it from a guy outside, hit him but he
stuck me. I still had the stickie on me and ran back towards the flag
where my friends were. All of us died together and they won the round

Here’s a list of Gamertags iv’e seen online.

G I Jesus
FatMans Crack
A floating brick die ET die
Saddam Insane

The other week me and my friend were playing Rumble Snipers on Zanzibar.
My friend superbounced ontop of the roof of the base, but while he was
flying up he started lagging and would just go up, reapear lower, then
fly up again over and over. after about 30 seconds and some guys tried
to snipe him but because he wuz disapearing and reapearing up and down
randomly in the air, no one could do it. eventually we just quite the
game because he couldnt kill himself and no one else could either.

i’ve got a great story,
one time during team harcore slayer on lockout, the score was 49-45 us
and all of the other team quit save one guy, who superjumped to the
building above the grav lift.

so, instead of waiting the remaining 10 minutes for this kid to come
down, all of our team crowded underneath him and pelted him with br
fire while one of our team superjumped up behind him and smacked his
superjumping buttocks down.

it was great, we all beat on the kid for being a cheater afterward
cause we all agree that superjumping is stupid.

My friend YellowHotdog/ANAL0G and I were playin team slayer. We
started team rifles game on Acsension and as soon as we started the
other 2 players on our team started de-leveling. We were able to talk
them into quiting but it was now 4 on 2. We still destroyed them and
ended up winning 50 to 25. I got 27 kills and 8 deaths and ANAL0G got
29 kills and 7 deaths. It was ANAL0GS best game ever(he’s a lvl 23 and
i’m a lvl 35 and i got beat)not bad.

ok this one time i was playing double team with my buddy and it was
multi flag on midship. ok we tied 2 to 2 and the next score wins. i was
guarding my flag and my teammate went down to get the flag. he threw a
gernade in the base, injured one guy, grabbed the flag and finished him off with a flag beat down.
then he was leaving the base with the
flag when all of a sudden a br guy came out from hiding and startted
shhooting my buddy. So i chucked a plasma gernade the whole way across
the map and it landed right in front of the br guy and killed him. my
buddy was almost dead but i saved him with a long gernade. he got to
the base and we won!

i was playing a couple of days ago on Halo 2 (XBL) when i played this
one guy named “Ur Shadow”. So it would say you were killed by ur
shadow, it was funny.

One time I was playing Cat and Mouse with a couple of my friends. I was a Mouse, in other words i was
in a warthog. The two guys in the wraiths decided that they would gang up on me. So they follow me
throughout the map (which was Coagulation by the way)and finally they corner me in the rocky area. I
get stuck next to a rock, and I’m just about to back up when they both boost into me. Unfortunately
for them, and extrememly lucky for me, i seemed to slide under them while they crashed into each
other and one of them died. It was a really bizarre, but funny moment.








Shout out to…
  1. WackySplash and Lordz Limitz
  2. “by the way crumpits are pastries, not toast you nubs”
