Podtacular Show Notes

Custom and Call-ins (Episode 38)

Custom Games

Starting weapon and weapons on map are plasma pistol, no grenades or vehicles, overshield and motion sensor on, and is best played on lockout. It is best played with more than 4 people. You divide into teams of 2 – 4 depending on how many people you have. Then, everyone goes into the middle of lockout. One team stands in one corner and the other team stands in the opposite corner. Someone who is not on either team says go, and then the two teams have a boxing match, melley’s only, no shooting. The winning team is the one with the last person standing.

Also i had another idea for a game. It is called basketball. It is an oddball game on lockout, and is best played with 6 people, 3 per team. The court is the centre square, and you have to pass the oddball between your team mates, and no one can hold the ball for more than 3 seconds. To score a point you have to throw the ball into your goal. The two goals are the BR tower and the sniper tower. Also not shooting.


no shields
no radar
weapons on map: none
no grenades
starting weapon: magnum
secondary weapon: none
No effects when picking up the ball (speed, toughness etc…)
1 ball
Team play on
Betrayals off (no team killing)
1 life
3 rounds
Best Played On: Lockout, or any small map.


Two teams, red and blue. There is one person on the blue team, the rest on red. The game starts and the main thing is nobody on the red team can pick up the odball, nor kill the person on the blue team who holds it. The idea of the game is to not get killed, you have to run away from the person with the oddball. You have only one life. You can’t shoot at or hurt the person with the oddball. You can hide for the whole game until there is only one minute left, then you have to run around the map like a headless chicken. The person with the oddball has to chase down and beat down every person on the other team. He can only beat down and it is fun because the person with the oddball is the same speed as everyone else. That means he can be right behind you chasing you, and you can hear him swinging at you trying to get the assasination. The person or people who survive at the end of the round win! Have fun.

This game can only be played on coag. There are two teams, one team of 2 gets into 2 wraiths. The 2 wraiths go top of the cliff by boosting up the right side of the hill at red base. Then, everyone else drives around in warthogs, NO SHOOTING IN HOGS!!!. The hogs must stay near red base b/c of the wraiths range. It’s fun when driving around with mortars drogging around you! link in the shownotes to all rules for this game on brokenthumbs.com.

The juggernaut is the “bear” he is cloaked and can only use the brute shot melee. The others, the “hunters” get in the warthogs and use shotguns to try to kill the bear. no turrets can be used! link in the shownotes to all rules for this game on brokenthumbs.com.

Name: D-Day

Team Slayer

Red vs. Green

Human weapons

No Shields

No time limit and no score limit

Objective: Green team starts in water, Red team starts on land. Green team storms beach trying to kill Red team and vice versa. Never ends. First team to take control of beach wins.

Only played on Zanzibar

custom game
a fun custom game for foundation is : Run away!
Let there be 2 teams and 2 warthogs let the opposing team get the hogs onto the circular part of the
level( via the lifts). then let them drive around like crazy trying to splatter the other team. The other
team (splateries) must try to board the hogs and turn the tables on the ( splatteres): enjoy
Pushover! by FTH :
A non-shooting KOTH game, in which the object of the game of course is to have more time in the hill
then the other team , but since there’s no shooting you must push enemies out of the hill.
Tales from the fox hole
Bob-bo-litch says:
Bobolitch here, My name often get miss-said, even you could bearly prononce it.
I get it pronounced as boob-licker, bobo-leech, bobo-lick, bobo-like and even bob-de-la-leech. I
suppose it’s a bit weird but it is NOT german. Great show, keep it up.

Over the summer me and a couple of my friends would play a Predator marathons (the custom game
type predator on every map) almost every night. One time we were playing with a guy named B JAMMIN
on Ivory Tower. He hid near the sword in some bushes. It was very obvious that a person was there if
you looked at the bushes but for some reason the predator couldn’t find him. He ran past about a
billion times and at one point they were having a conversation. It was realy funny and we then dubbed
those bushes “The B JAMMIN Bushes”.

When you send in your tips, spend time making sure they are grammatically correct, and spelled right. The worse your tip is, the more it will be changed. Thanks Podtacular crew for all the hard work!

Segments and Voice Mails


Errata: Xansas points out that the superbouncing thing is not on PAL tvs, it’s on older tv’s that run at 50 hertz.

Custom Saturdays! send a FR to samanator.

