Podtacular 278: Mailbag Show

March 15th, 2012

Hosts: Dust Storm, GLewis, DaftLink & Rob Imbs

Game Changers

Robert Imbs

Website: http://gamechangersthemovie.com
Indiegogo Project Page: http://www.indiegogo.com/Game-Changers
Twitter: @GameChangerFilm
Couch (2008): IMDB


Drake Vonzega

Hey guys was just listening to you guys and took an interest for your request for Emails and stuff so I decided I'd put in my 2 cents on Halo 4 and some things you guys talked about.

Halo 4:

Weapons- As long as 343 makes sure they all work and that none are too superior to the others (like the Halo 3 BR) than why not. I absolutely miss the flame/fire weapons and hope things like the Spartan Laser and SMGs come back. I super hope they never drop the AR again either. I love the AR, SMG and Magnum most as basic human weapons.

Health- I liked Reach's health a lot. I feel that Reach and CE's health was perfect. I mean I wouldn't freak if it was gone but I feel it'd be a shame to have lost that.

Armor Abilities, "Perks" ect.- I'm not gonna lie, if we see Armor Abilities return (fingers crossed) or these rumored perks show up I'd love to see dual wielding make a come back in that form. I miss running around dueling plasma Rifles and SMGs. Balance is a big concern for me so if dual wielding came back they should focus on having recoil/bloom and longer reload times as a big factor to keep that stuff under control. Plus you know the whole limitation of what weapons could be dual wielded like before. I wouldn't freak out if we didn't see Armor abilities or perks or whatever you want to call them return but I feel they were a major progressive step in Reach that Halo had needed.

Custom features- I hope 343 expands on the amount of custom options available to players. I hope they improve Forge and theater mode but also put in more gametype tweaking options so we can create wild custom gametypes like people did in Halo 3. I agree It'd be cool to see custom HUD options and even a full custom controller option. I'm hoping they also keep up with the spartan customization. I don't mean to sound demanding but if they sorta combined Halo 3 and Reach's focuses on customization it'd be great. Halo 3 sorta focused heavily on different armor type's while Reach focused more on like gear and attachments. It sorta bugged me how some armors had and lacked attachments that made sense for them in reach. Some chest and helmets in reach shared attachments that made sense on one but no reason on the other you know? I'm just saying if it'd be nice for them to say "look this is sniper armor, you get a gillie suit thing, sniper rounds and a GPS or something." not "Here is your sniper armor with extra grenades and an oxygen tank" and imagine if you can not only pick your armor colors but also the color schemes? Like you have your colors, but do you want it to be painted Halo 2, Halo 3 or Halo reach style? Or maybe even camo paint styles.

Beta- I also agree just for networking purposes to say the least that 343 should consider having a beta at least to test connectivity. However I feel it should focus on everything in terms of balance and to know what things should be tweaked on maps and what not.

Gametypes- I'm a very diverse player, I love FFA, I play lots of Grifball with my group whenever we're not playing SWAT. To say the least I love just about every gametype there is out there (head hunter... head hunter can go to hell and lick a dick). But one thing I hope they do is focus on expanding infection. It's a gametype that has way more potential than it is being used. In Halo 3 there were custom maps that started humans and zombies on fair ground forcing the humans to rush to a semi-defendable position. In reach its just kinda like "here's a random slightly tweaked map, go for it." letting players find and camp stupid and impossible positions. I say as a minimum, they try to encourage players to make (assuming 343 doesn't try to do it themselves) custom infection designed maps. One other thing that I feel would be sweet is that infected players spawn as flood zombies. I had a huge Infection 2.0 idea that was way more extensive, sorta turned infection into a cross between an objective/survival custom game and a flood focused FF. However as long as zombie players are flood and the maps focused on varying/balancing infection gameplay with a touch of good ol' creepiness, I'm happy.

Random discussion- Don't feel bad, I hardcore couldn't remember the name of Isolation either. That BTW was a rather good infection map. I also agree that the way the did the bulletin was stupid, they should only have answered the questions that they were willing to blatantly answer. It's these half answers that make people on the forums go crazy and come up with wild theories about what is and isn't being said

Ryan McNeil

Okay so if there are reasons as to why blue Spartans fight red Spartans will we be able to choose a side like choose which cause to fight for and always be on the red team fighting blues or vice versa and have online which side is winning?

Braden Bailey

Ok, (sigh) first of all, I hope they put every single armor piece from every halo game in it. (why not?) I also really hope they don’t make the armor perks (Frankie said they weren’t perks even though they obviously are) to extended. They should make the perks mostly HUD things or different looking scopes (not making the scope have extra range). They hopefully won’t have any armor abilities, besides sprint. From the looks of the maps they showed so far they aren’t very pretty. They look good but ugly at the same time, there’s grey everywhere… A cool thing for forge to do would be to have a whole friggin buttload of color pallets and skins. One thing me and my brother thought of would be to have a part of an object deleted when glitched or morphed into another object, that way the frame-rate wouldn’t drop as much and it wouldn’t look as bad. If they don’t bring back equipment I’m going to be pretty unhappy. They should really make grenades less powerful AND harder to throw.They also should basically be able to have their version of Halo 3 slayer because they have the BR and hopefully bring back some halo 3 maps. And MAN it would be nice if they would fix the dang spawning, in Reach the spawning is crap, especially compared to Halo 3.I am very glad that they brought back the BR, because you should never, ever, have bloom like reach did with the DMR. I also think they should have more vehicular maps for firefight in Halo 4. I found those maps the most fun. Me and my brother have both read most the halo books, and me and him both almost know for sure that they’re going to have Linda in it. Linda is another Spartan ll and one of the MC’s friends. A big hint that she will be in it is obviously the books, but also if you look at the screen in the room up above where you come out of the cryo-pod in Halo anniversary, you’ll see the screen reads Linda and says ”missing” on it. Guess that's all I wanted to say.


Hi, guys I’ve been a long time listener to Podtacular and figured it was about time to submit something. I have just started to read the various Halo books, and noticed during the ”Fall of Reach” that Dr. Halsey said Cortana had a life span of 7 years. Since Halo 4 takes place 5 years after Halo 3; do you think this will become a problem in the new trilogy?