Podtacular 250: Defiant Review and Random Frags

March 24th, 2011

Hosts: Dust Storm & GLewis

Random Frags


Hey Podtacular Crew, a new forum viewer but long time listener here. I’m enjoying some Halo Reach still and I just wanted to ask a question for you guys. What is your ideal challenges? Campaign related, Multiplayer related, or just general stuff? Thanks a lot and keep on fragging noob’s who think the sword is the most amazing weapon.

Captain Keaton

Hi guys, Captain Keaton reporting for duty. This is my first submission, and My friend and i have found out a way to take any vehicle off of any height of jump and live. If you get out just as you land, the vehicle isn’t even damaged at all. We found this out taking a Revenant out of the anger on forge world onto a blue grid. And what is this Team Bubblebath you are taking about? Keep on fraggin trucks, and everyone knows that Vermont cheese soooo beats Amish cheese.


Hey guys, it's PunxsatownyPhil. Hope you read this, even though I sent it via regular cellphone text >< Anyway, Dusty, Brent, READ THE BOOKS! You run a Halo podcast and I know more of the extended universe and factual details than you? Get with the program. Hate to hate on you guys because I usually love the show, but come on! Love, Phil.
P.S. Keep on Fraggin' trucks.

Atomic MLG

Hey Podtac! This is your friendly neighborhood Explosive Major League Gamer! Now I don’t honestly know when I should send this in but, I would just like to say that I miss your 2-3 hour podcasts!!! I’m trying to get my friend to at least look at your guy’s website, he like comedy and halo, so I think you guys are a perfect fit! I think this is my first submission, so let’s hope there is little to no grammar or spelling fails. Shout outs to: Jordan Brown, Chance Scott, Keep on fraggin trucks

deformed orange

Hey Podtac it is deformed orange, formerly rabid diharrea and I will be submitting more often now because i really want there to be a Goldenrod Radio show. Brent’s insight into the World of Pokemon would be great listening material and I would love to help out in any way possable. Keep on fraggin trucks.

Cpt Jubjub

Hello Podtac, It is the Jubster here to share with you a tale of enlightenment. Once upon a time Cpt Jubjub lived in New Zealand. One day after p0wning many noobs he came a cross a town. The town had the strangest name. After studying the sign he came to the conclusion that the town was called…… Naynay (correct spelling Naenae). He lived happily ever after, married a princess and defeated the dragon. The End. That is all.

Monster Milika

Hello everyone at podtacular ( only reason i’m sayin it like this is beacuse I don’t know who’s going to be on at the time this is being read) i’ll try to keep this post short. I was watching Dustorm’s post of the new Defiant Maps coming out and was wondering what your oppinions on it. I know that Dusty dosn’t like 343 industries ( for what ever reason) and well Brent I don’t know your views on it. My main question is weather or not it matters who is making Halo DLC ( not dissing Bungie) as long as we have new Halo items coming out it brings us back to the game and makes us enjoy it even more. Well that all I have to ask, love the show and keep up the great work. Monster Milika out.