Podtacular 248: Black Ops Tales

January 28th, 2011

Hosts: Dust Storm, GLewis, Brent Gamer & Amplified Silence

Call of Duty: Black Ops Tales


Hey Podtac, Giffy here sending in my tale for CoD: Black Ops. Three days after the game launched, I was hearing a lot of good things and I was beginning to feel that Black Ops must be better than the failure that was MW2, so I bought it. I played the campaign (which was awesome), and then moved on to the awesome sounding multiplayer. Since it was my first game I didn’t expect to do all that well. My first game I went 23 and 6 or something like that. Anyways, it was my best game for like the next two weeks. Its on my file share for Black Ops called "my first game" or something along those lines. This is certainly an interesting topic and i’m looking forward to hearing all the subs for this show.
Shoutouts to my XBL homies Figgyniner, Monseiur Voyeur, Chuckiej, Moose0030, and of course C0NCRETE D0LL. :) Keep up the good work guys and keep on fraggin, people who use n00b tubes in Black Ops (thankfully there aren’t that many people like that). This is giffyboy92 signing off.

David Struble

Hey Podtac, it’s the Official Potacular Pokemon Uzumaki15 back from the "Lack of submitting stuff" place. I made a New Year’s Resolution to start submitting stuff again, so here goes:
This game had awesome graphics, a moderately good storyline and problems far too numerous to list here. Worse of all the developers did nothing to fix these problems in any form of a timely manner. Then this year Black Ops came out Treyarch’s latest game is everything MW2 should have been. Awesome storyline, relatively balanced Multiplayer and best of all Zombies.
A few tips on MP:
  1. Multiplayer this time around gives you the most incentive to prestige than any other previous game. Not only will you unlock a new custom class and emblem design but you keep most previously purchased items for you guns (Clan Tag/Emblem, red dot colors and reticules). I’d recommend at least prestiging once in addition with the new unlock system you don’t need to waste points on thing you don’t want, so if you don’t like the shotguns, you don’t have to dole out 2000 cod points to get them, don’t like the Flack Jacket Perk you don’t need to purchase it and you can save those points for what you want, this way when you rise through the ranks the first time you find what you like and when you prestige you only need to purchase those.
  2. Now for weapons: the two semi auto guns in the game (the M14 and the FN FAL (which it a F’n good gun :D)) have high damage and usually kill in 2-3 shots. However, you're at the mercy of your trigger finger. The M16 has been nerfed somewhat and to me is not as good as the G11, the other 3-shot burst gun in the game. The snipers these have been made to act like an actual sniper rifle. No more 1337 360 jumping quick-scopers that plaqued MW2. The only problems with snipers are the hit detection issues (which are evident in any online game) and the lack of large sniper maps.
So that’s about it. Shout outs to Obsidianchao, and Shadowdreamer.
Peace Out guys you’ll be seeing more of my submissions this year.

Anorexic Leader

So I haven’t had too much time to play Black Ops, because of me being busy in school and such (and after all there is Halo to be played), but the other day I was in a multiplayer game on WMD, and I had joined late to the madness. My team was losing pretty bad, but I helped close the gap before the match ended. I was camped up with a teammate (who was without a mic as usual) in a building, and had just taken out two guys on the first floor for a double kill. As we advance up some stairs, I take out another unsuspecting enemy near a window. I take his position looking out on his teammates below. As I’m looking out the window, I see someone from the other team rushing to the base of the building we are in. I try putting shots in him, but he survives, and notices us up in the window. He takes out my teammate, and I’m hurt pretty badly judging by the redness of my screen… So he decides to keep advancing into our building in hopes to rush in and kill me. What happens next was pure LOLZ. He is about the go under an overhang,as I jump out of cover, falling a story below while 360ing down behind him and knifing him in the back. The poor noob never saw it coming… This goes to prove that Halo isn’t the only game with clutch Ninja kills. :) Shout outs to Amplified and Old Regime, and mah boi Unicyclez from Pro Clan. Keep on fragging trucks! -Anni


I've already submitted my tips last week, but I'll give a few Tales from the Foxhole: One is when I kiled myself with a SAM turret. I received it in a care package, placed it on radiation in an out-of-the-way location and started to head back into the fray when the SAM turret beeped and fired, killing me. I went into theater and saw it shoot the wall behind it, trying to shoot down a Spy Plane.
Another funny tale was on another map (I don't remember the name but it has an Underground section and a beach with Landing boats). I was in the water area picking trying to pick off campers, but one guy kept killing me. It took me three tries to kill him, and when I succeeded I knew he had a RC-XD so I stayed in the water and waited for him to call it in, knowing he'd go after me. When I heard it close by I climbed on top of one of the boats and stood there so he could see me. His car tried to jump up to me but to no avail. I stayed up there T-Bagging until his timer expired and the car exploded, leaving me unharmed and my opponent extremly pissed.
Keep on fraggin' those trucks.


A few from me.
On Summit, I got up to my chopper gunner and got 15 or so kills with it when it expired. I called in the care package I had been sitting on only to have it be a second chopper gunner. I finished the match out with it.
On Nuketown, I ran into three enemies in the second floor of the house with the bbq outside. I dropped two of the three into second chance before getting killed. When I respawned, I ran to the window and threw nova gas in the window. I managed to get a triple gas kill out of it.
On Crisis, I ran to the enemy spawn and killed a guy that was waiting for his care package. Being the nice guy I am, I decided to hack it and leave it for him to collect about thirty seconds later. I get the game winning killcam with a carepakage crate explosion.
By the way Uzi, Crisis is the map with the landing craft you talked about.