Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Episode 141: The Storm Campaign Show
for the week of January 3rd, 2007

(hosts foo mo, JVB, LilKuke)


Hey guys it’s Lancelot59 here again with tips for THE STORM!!!!! I played
on Heroic. So heres a few key points: After the fun drive at the beginning
where you need to open the first door hit the switch as fast as you can
then throw a frag into the group of jackals and grunts below. Then turn
around as a few guys come up behind you. Dealing with that move to the
next switch and play hide and seek down the large hallway. When dealing
with the first area make your way down the pier thing and grab the sniper
rifle and missile pod then start working back down the pier. Shoot out the
wrath in the back before it owns your marines and then ride down do get the
AA tank. I had stolen a ghost so that was handy. When going into the next
block a ghost is better cause you can actually get the firepower inside.
Moving onto the next AA wrath area take a rocket launcher but don’t use
it. Save it for later. When the Scarab comes hide behind the wall with the
missile pods on either side for a few seconds then without detaching it
jump on and start killing. You can also just ride straight to these
turrets to get the tanks and ghosts earlier on. I had the scarab down in
under 30 seconds doing this. Then go up the crane elevator and grab a
bunch of sniper ammo. Moving on take one of the machine gun turrets from
the marines bunker and then use it on the brutes. Farther down use the RL
on the hunters that show up. Easy kills. Use the remaining shots on the
hammer monkey and other enemies. Leave the grav hammer until you need to
charge the gigant turret. For this part I reccomend staying as far back as
possible, you have plenty of sniper ammo. When you run out and need to
charge run back, grab the hammer and then own and pwn. Happy killing.


P.S if you put a frag grenade under the trucks on this level they explode.

hey its shotgunfreindly or freindly shotgun whichever you decide to call
me. well this week is the Storm finally. this mission is my second to
favorite mission next to the ark and has one of the best skulls in the
game. a good tip for this map is when you reach the scarab part of the
mission, there is in a certain area of the area a transport warthog.
before the scarab comes gather up all your marines with rockets in the
back and wait for the scarab to come. with this amount of fire power
destroying the scarab should be easy and very entertaining.
once you destroy the scarab go up the ramp that leads into the ware house.
if you look to the oppisate direction of entrance to the warehouse there is
a missile pod turret. rip it off and take it with you. the missile pod is a
bit hard to aim but if you practice it is very powerful and take down some
of the toughest enemies in one shot. the easiest ones include hunters, and
brute chieftains as they do not move around so much. be cautious of your
ammo though as u only have eight shots so use them wisely and accurately.

once u get past the brutes and reach the part of the mission where u have
to destroy the anti-air turret, look for a little bunker which has a
turret and a sniper rifle. grab whichever u want and start gunning down
the enemies under the anti-air turret. i recommend that before you run in
with guns roaring u should take the sniper find an angle where u can see
the golden brute chieftain snipe him down before heading in as he has a
regenerator, and a fuel rod cannon.

shoutout to facehead for finally solving the mystery of nay nay. also one
more thing foomoo if i recall you did not know who momakadabi is, well i
recently found out that momakadabi was a latvia ruler who had 13 correct
ways to spell his name. just sharing some useless information with you

keep on fragging mysterious beasts called nay-nay which sparked a hunt
that lasted for about a day until it was solved by facehead =)

in the storm, when the scarab enters, I suggest getting on one of the two
missile pods on the platform by the elevators and continuously shooting
it. Get off it whenever it shoots at you and eventually it will power down
and blow up.

This level in Halo 3’s campaign is one of my favorites as there are
multiple tough spots, like the scarab, hunters, and the big turret at the
end. Ok now onto the tips. Now the first part is easy enough, just grab a br
from on of your marine sidekicks, go up to were you open the gate, then
lob down nades upon your enemies. Once you run out, use that br you have
to get headshots on the Grunts and Jackals. For the Jackals, aim for the
side of their shields, shoot, then when they loose there balance, get a
headshot. Before you open the gate to the tunnel get a warthog and
position it outside of it with a marine on the turret. When you open it,
our marine buddy will rain unholy death upon your enemies. For the AA wraith part, get the sniper on the roof on the house that
the Covenant are holding and snipe the grunts off their ghosts. Use the
AA wraith glitch to pilot it then take out the blue wraith. Now for the Scarab part. Get on the mongoose with a marine that has a
rocket launcher and make a straight line for the missile pod turrets.
Position your goose in a place where he can cover you while your on a
turret. This is a great place to get the “To close to the sun” achievement
as you can kill a banshee if it gets close enough. When the scarab appears,
spam it with missiles until it’s legs buckle. Use the elevator to jump onto
the walker, work your way to the back, destroy the power supply, then run
away as if all hell was chasing you. Work your way through the Foundry
like warehouse till you come to the hunters, by this time I was looking
around for any weapon that had any ammo till I found a shotgun which I
found worked well against hunters. I don’t know how I got past the chieftain, but as soon as you kill
him, use his hammer to kill the rest of them. Work your way up the hill,
grab a plasma turret, then blast at the blue ball on the underside of the
big turret
Congrats! You completed the storm on heroic or legendary!
Keep on fraggen trucks guys!
-Samus 117

Out of rocket ammo or just bored of shootting rockets at the scarab on the
level “The Storm”? Well here is an alternative on how to get on the only
scarab on the level. Once after defeating the scarab I noticed there was a
crane-looking thing to the left of the area where the scarab appears. Upon
inspection of the thing I found out there was an elevator, once reaching
the top there is a sniper to the right and a long catwalk and then was
SCARAB!. I tried it and it actually worked, you just have to wait till the
scarab is right in front of the catwalk. I also posted a forum topic on
this so search my name and take a look.

Love the show!
Keep on Falcon Punching Brutes In the Face!

The storm. It is a great level to show off at parties, or to that PS3 owner
hiding in the corner. From the music to atmosphere to combat, this part of
the third volume is epic. To get the achievement for scoring on this rainy
day in Africa, play on at least normal with the following skulls turned
on : tough luck, famine, thunderstorm, and fog. If you do that then I’m
pretty sure you’ll get the achievement, and be one step closer to that
sweet sweet katana/marathon helmet/ blanket. Shout out to Mike,
Jose, and Robert. Keep on fraggin trucks driven by a green elephant named
Rupert and his dachshund sidekick Winky.

Happy New Year Podtacular!
The “Storm” is a great mission to grab 4 easy achievements: Askar (
campaign meta-game achievement), catch skull (gold skull found in this
lvl), Too Close to the Sun (Destroy an enemy Banshee w/a Missile Pod ) and
Assault (when you finish the 4th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic
or Legendary).

Before you start, make sure you turn on the campaign scoring feature
(found under edit options) for the Askar achievement; don’t worry if you
weren’t able to collect any of the skulls from prior missions, because
getting 15,000 pts. won’t be a problem due to the amount of ships and
vehicle’s found in this lvl.

The Storm has 1 of the 9 gold skulls found in the game, the “Catch Skull”
(when turned on, Grunts & Brutes throw more grenades). Remember, you
HAVE TO START from the beginning of each mission, or the skull(s) will not
appear! The “Catch” skull is consider one of the toughest to find and
get, but here’s the key; when you first encounter the 2 Wraith’s (1
Orange, 1 Purple) near the beginning of the mission, you cannot destroy
the orange wraith or the skull will not appear on top of the silo (far
right from the Orange Wraith). When you clear out all of the surrounding
enemies, leaving the the orange wraith, grab a vehicle or deployable cover
to jump from to grab the skull that is found on top of the silo.
When you come to an area with the Scarab showdown, use 1 of the 2
stationary missile pod launcher found in this lvl and lock on to a Banshee
for the “Too Close to the Sun” achievement and destroy the rest of the
ships and vehicle’s to rack up major pts. for your meta-campaign scoring
achievement (remember to lock on to the legs of the Scarab to take it

I hope this helps, Take care guys.

Wrap up


Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)