Episode 12 Shownotes

Podtacular Episode 12 Part 1 October 9th, 2005 24 minutes, 0 seconds

[kool intro, too bad the first part gets a little boring]



SpelChek: What do you actually do for podtacular?

Scotty: What I do for podtacular is send all clan requests sent to the podtacular clan e-mail to other clans. Besides that I plan tournaments for the clan and the next tournament is on the 29th 8 pm eastern time and I am also planning a tournament with another clan next Friday.

FooMoJive: Cool, Sweet. So you do the tournaments. How many have you done so far and how have they gone in the past?

Scotty : I’ve had one that was last month it went pretty smoothly but it was short and I plan on making the next one longer.

Spelchek : Yeah I couldn’t make it to that one”BECAUSE HE WORKS” But when is the next one?

Scotty : It’s on the 29th.

Spelchek : And your gonna have platoons in this one now right?? Can you explain that?

Scotty : Platoons are going to be 4 people representing in each clan and you can have more than one platoon for each clan so you can have more then one per a clan.

FooMoJive : So instead of having 1 team for each clan you can have more then one 4 person clan and have multiple of them.

Scotty : Yeah you can even have your own name for you platoon.

FooMoJive : Cool so what do the winners of the tournament get?

Scotty : Well you get your names mentioned and get them on the web site and on the front page. Ah the next tournament is you can be on the podtacular All-stars and face other clans.

Spelchek Where do I go to sign up for a tournament. How would I go about participating in one once I’m part of the clan.

Scotty : I usually have a sticky on the forum. You just go on there and put your gamertag and your 3 partners and I’ll take it from there.

FooMoJive : You have to be part of the clan to be in the tournament…Where can these people get part of the clan?

Scotty : We actually have a new system going on you put your name on the link on the web site podtacular and members from the clan will go and put you in the clan it’s easy “please beautiful cover girl.”

Spelchek: I understand the all stars will be going against a clan Okinawa. What are we doing to make sure we are going to win?

Scotty: Next Friday at 10:30 pm we are going to be facing them we are playing slayer flag game and assault with agreeing with the other clan all on Zanzibar. I put a post up with which people can put their names. We were gonna have try-outs but there were only about 7 people so I went the Bungie looked up the stats and picked the best team.

FooMoJive : Where can people find information about the
podtacular Tournaments?

Scotty : Easiest way is to look on the forum.

FooMoJive : Do you want to say anything else?

Scotty: What is up with you and spelchek always talking about pod 1 and pod 2. What about pod 3 pod 4 and pod 5, well no pod 4 and 5 they suck. Pod 1 is the best

Spelchek: Yeah I know. Pod 1 is the best. Even though everyone got booted that is where the party is at. (Sh4rdy) YES IT IS.

Scotty: I think someone is trying to say something there. Pod 2 should not be there. (Scotty sends feedback to his friends)



[well folks that’s it for this part of Episode 12, talk to you again in a few days.]