Podtacular 512: The Third Life

Maya Sankar, Mashak Maradi, Bostwick and BB have escaped the Jackal pirate ship and thanks to BB’s analysis of the data from Conrad’s Point are heading to the next anomaly site. After arriving at Lika III, they’re found by Ilsa Zane who shoots them down to the surface.  Maya wakes up in the presence of Dasc Gevadim, the leader of the Triad who explains to her what happened in the crash.  Dasc leads Maya to another building from where she’s recovering for the Evaluation where Dasc asks her to hell him what she knows about him.  The explains how she believes what he’s teaching is made up to take advantage of desperate people and that the impending anomaly will kill them.  Shortly after, Mashak is brought to her and the anomaly begins.  What happens next will be revealed on the final episode of Season 2 next week.  As always, Toa Freak joins us and shines brightly with us.

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